April 29, 2011

Fashion shoot...

Okay not really... but Tori's camera is so amazing that it makes everything she takes pictures of look amazing!! Before you look at this comical photo shoot you have to remember that it was our first one and that we were out in the middle of Galt on a farm, (and we don't make very good cowgirls). Another thing you might notice is that it looks like we are stuck in Pleasantville (according to Kimmy)... but that was the creative mind of Tori to take the pictures like that.  Please feel free to laugh and pass judgment on all the photos, however the outfit is pretty cute if I say so myself.  One thing of advice on the outfit... if you are looking for a white sweater vest you may have to go all the way to New York to find one!!
We started the photo shoot in Sacramento... and yes that is a power box I am leaning up against. LOL

We found a bike on the street and thought it wold make a good prop in our shoot. (Although I really wish I did own this bike)

I am being a serious model in this photo.... which lasted about 2 seconds...
As for the clothes...
Black/white shirt- Banana Republic Outlet
Sweater Vest- Boston TJ Max
Joe Jeans- Macy's
Necklace- from Kimmy
Boots- from Debbi

April 28, 2011

The Easter Bunny came and went...

After we went wine tasting on Saturday... Sunday was Easter!!! I am beginning to think that there is hardly a weekend that happens that we don't have something planned to the max on.  Anyways it was just another weekend full of events!! Easter was a calm one this year, thank goodness.  We spent the morning at Chris and Sue's house where the boys cooked us a wonderful breakfast.  After we went to Debbi's house where everyone came over.  We had a wonderful dinner and celebration.  Again we laughed a lot and took lots of pictures... (nothing different than any other day...lol)

Very good photo taking Tori... I love this picture of the boys!!

I forgot to mention one major detail of our Easter celebration... The Egg Roll.  This is a Burkholder family tradition, where two people roll an egg at each other.  When they hit only one egg will break (physics is weird , don't ask me why this happens). anyways the winner stays and plays the next person until we are all out of eggs.  We started a trophy four years ago and unfortunately there are only two people with their names on it... Kimmy and Mikey!!! Grrrr.  Anyways Tori and Dayton were the only ones not to win an egg roll match...lol!!
Here are the "losers" of the day... and I mean that in the kindest way possible...lol

Here is the champ with her trophy!!!

April 27, 2011

Tori's Big Suprise!!!

This past weekend we celebrated Tori's big 27th birthday!!! We planned two days of fun with all the girls.  Of course Tori was freaking out because anything out of her control she freaks out of course (she can't help it, that's the "mom gene" in her).  Anyways we took Tori to Sam's parents house for the weekend.  On Friday we hung out and played with animals (miniature donkey, baby goats, and sheep).  That night Kimmy and Tweedy met us, so we had a huge bonfire in the backyard. (I have failed to mention that Sam's parents house is located in Galt... where there is tons of land and farms). After the monstrous fire calmed down a bit, and we knew it wasn't going to catch the whole wilderness on fire... we made some s'mores! The next morning we got our fancy clothes on and went wine tasting for the day. We started at 10 am ... needless to say we were home and asleep by three.  It was a wonderful weekend with the ladies... we spent a lot of time eating and laughing.  And thanks to  Sam's parents we ate a ton of awesome food.  Nothing like having your own personal chef for the weekend!! Anyways... enjoy the pictures!!
Sam loved this setting of the table, so we had to take a picture.  It looks like we were served here... but let me tell you they kind of freaked when we sat here cause it was reserved (not for us..lol)

I don't know when Tori and I will stop trying to be cowgirls... in this picture we look like we know what we are doing, but I am not posting the ones when the goats baaaawed. (Even though I think sheep make that noise...I am not sure what noise a goat makes, but what ever it is its startling)

Love this photo!!

Here is a lovely view of how dressed up we actually got... even though it took ten minutes for Kimmy to walk into this picture it was well worth the wait ;0)

April 18, 2011

What I've Learned...

Until recently most people who know me or who have ever known me would never start a sentence about me with "She has great style..." or "She always looks put together..." In fact those statements would probably have been coming out of peoples mouths in sarcasm or while laughing, if they were to describe me. That is until recently.  Not that I am a "fashionista" or anything close to that, but I have come to enjoy some fashion blogs and shopping (thanks of course to Kimmy).  I can finally understand the relationship between women and their clothes, maybe because I have an income I finally understand this...lol.  The story begins a month ago when my friends decided to either put me on What Not To Wear or take me to the outlets.  Seeing as we had no idea how to get me on TV, we went to the outlets and the mall. Anyways it was tons of fun and Mike didn't get upset at the whole new closet I purchased (yes the old clothes were that bad that the husband said good job shopping).
Anyways you might ask yourself why the heck is she posting this weird thing... well I am going to start posting some fashion outfits that I have tried and either failed miserably or succeeded nicely.  But seeing as I work a ton and don't always have something to post I figure this will be a good filler.  So the "fashion show" starts in the fashion capital of the world ... New York! Now these outfits are for the beginner (the women who are trying to convert from daily scrubs to nice outfits...please follow closely ;0)

First you have to understand... clothes don't completely make sense to me yet (especially scarfs). Sometimes it requires an expert to teach you how to place a scarf around your neck. As you can tell Mike is very focused cause he knows that he may have this responsibility once we get back to California.

Here is a blurry view of the outfit... Jason, the photographer of the day, sometimes liked to focus on Mike a little more than the actual subjects of the photo shoot.

Here is the good close-up... yes with the peacoat (but hey its Boston and that's how they roll)
So where did all this come from-
Boots- birthday gift from Debbi
Leggings- Gabby's closet (yes they were to small since the height difference is 1.5 feet)
Skirt- Forever 21
Jacket- my closet (don't remember who/where from

This is a typical (semi-dressy) outfit I would have chosen in Boston 3 months ago (had it been warmer). See the outfits have come a long way!!

April 14, 2011

My Friends are AMAZING!!!!

This past Sunday Tori and Sam ran their first half marathon.  These two have been training for months!! And when I say training I mean waking up at 4 to 5 AM and running for an hour or so!! They actually carry mace with them on their runs (now in my head that would trigger something saying maybe we shouldn't do this). The race they ran was to help raise money for Saint Jude's Hospital... the race raised about $17,000!!! I must say they did a great job running and I am very proud of them... even though they dragged Kimmy and I out of bed at 415 AM to get them there (it was well worth it).  Although I still do believe I am owed a Starbucks for that...hmmmm. Anyways the girls finished right at 2 hours (almost exactly on the dot!!) and that was their goal!! I must say though Sam looked like she had a better time when she crossed the finish than Tori did...lol.  Although you wouldn't know it since Tori is now fully addicted to these runs and has already signed up for another one!! Maybe the title of this blog should be my friends are AMAZING/CRAZY!!
Here are the great supporters that were there in the early AM!! Yeah Kim and I were supposed to make Tori a sign, but lets face it that early in the morning our brains were not functioning!! In this photo is Sam's boyfriend and family.
I wanted proof that I was there before the race started... I must say it was a pretty sunrise and pretty day!!
They finished and got medals!!! I don't think they give those out to everyone ;0)

And of course we had to get a group photo with these awesome ladies!!

April 13, 2011

Yup....He's Thirty People!!!

Matt Wood just turned thirty...isn't that old? Just Kidding Matt!! Ironically enough I am the one who is writing this post even though Kimmy planned the whole day, did the decorations, and not to mention its her husband.  But I figured if anyone wants to know about it I better blog it. ZING!!! Matt's big day we all went wine tasting, which you may be thinking to yourself... his family doesn't drink? Well not only that but Sam and Tori were running a 1/2 marathon the next day so they didn't drink either!! I think out of the 14 people that went only 8 people did wine tasting.  Anyways it was tons of fun!! We went to two different wineries, The Big White House and another one that I can't remember...lol.  I can't remember due to forgetting not to drinking too much! After the wineries we went back to mama Deb's house and had a big feast of lamb and chicken.  It was a wonderful day spent with friends and family.  I still can't believe Matt is thirty... not that its old, I just remember him turning 21 so vividly and it doesn't seem that long ago.  Man, that last sentence sure made me sound old.
Mike and I decided to take "wedding photos" while we were there...turned out pretty good!! Good ob Tor and Sam!!

The Birthday Boy and his beautiful wife!!!

April 12, 2011

We finally made it to New York!!!

It is hard to believe, but after two years of talking about taking a vacation to see Gabby and Jason in New York... we finally did it!!!  Thanks to a wonderful birthday and wedding gift from Debbi, Dayton, Matt and Kim!  We could not have timed it better!!! Jason was on his spring break, we got to see Gabby preggers, and we spent another vacation with Jeff and Rondee!! (According to them, 3 out of the 4 kidless vacations they have taken, Mike and I have been on...lol).

It was the first time Mike has ever been to the East Coast (in his words... "Florida doesn't count cause it doesn't snow there"). We went into this vacation saying whatever we see is fine... no real plans or anything.  Well turns out when you say things like that, you tend to see everything.  We were non-stop going for the five days we were there.  We did everything from going to a Ninja Restaurant to Ground Zero to Boston to seeing a play on Broadway. The show we saw on Broadway was "How to Succeed in Business Without Even Trying," with Daniel Radcliff.  It was super good and I got to see Harry Potter in person!!! That was pretty awesome!!
We spent a whole day in Boston... which was probably my favorite part of the trip.  Boston is amazing (almost as amazing as weddings). There is a trail that goes through out the city called the Freedom Trail, and it shows you all the historical places in Boston.  It was so cool seeing everything from Mother Gooses grave to the site of the Boston Massacre.  I just really enjoyed everything about this trip... thank you Gabby and Jason for being such great hosts!!! And thanks Jeff and Rondee for letting us crash another vacation of yours ;0)  On the left is a picture of us following the Freedom Trail... it is so cool!!!
The boys at the Ninja Restaurant... oh how they loved being Tum Tum, Colt, and Rocky from the Three Ninjas.
And of course we went to Fenway... for not being super baseball people we sure went to a lot of parks.