March 31, 2014

Soccer Time!!!

It finally happened... Jacob is old enough to play soccer!!! Unfortunately, I have had to work everyday that he has played soccer, but from what I hear, he really likes it. Although it is indoors and there are basketball hoops all around, so that provides an internal battle for him. He is actually learning something too! Yesterday, he was all about kicking a ball for my friends dog, instead of throwing it!  I don't think his favorite sport will be changing to soccer anytime soon, but it's nice to see him trying new things!

This photo cracks me up! It makes me realize how old these two are! They are real kids, just having a conversation on a water break!

Melo is the true star of the soccer class... so maybe some of her skills will rub off on Jacob!

March 29, 2014

Some Short Stories...

I feel like I only blog about huge events or stories and our everyday lives become a little dismissed. So that is what this post is all about... the fun times we have had without going anywhere but the park really. LOL

I think about a month ago now (wow, that seems way too long!) Jaybee and Tori came up to visit for a night. The boys loved it!! I think both Jaybee and Tori bought the entire children's section at Target, so naturally the weekend got off to a great start for Jacob! He loves his Aunties so much!! He always talks about Auntie Beeze and Auntie Tori. In fact he calls Dori on Nemo, Anyways that weekend we had a blast just hanging out and not doing much! LOL

I haven't laughed that hard in a while than seeing Jaybee on a swing!! Pure comedy!!

Continuing on our park theme... Mike and I started running again. Yes, you did not misread that last sentence.  We are trying to get healthier and I figured why not start with my 12 minute miles!! Oh how the mighty have fallen! Anyways, we have been running down to the park and back with the jogging stroller... that is two miles total!!! I have even ran to the grocery store to get dinner!! What can I say, food motivates me!

We stuck Brayden in the swing for the first time. He really liked it because he started to fall asleep! It also worked out nicely because he was in his snow suit, so he didn't fall out! Always a bonus!

 We've taken a few short trips down to the bay area over the last month for various reasons, but the best reason is to get these two knuckleheads together! Their relationship has truly blossomed over the last couple months! Jacob constantly talks about Everett and always wants to see him. I love watching cousin love!!

The above picture represents our nightly routine with Jacob.  Lately after his bath he has been going crazy!! The only thing I can compare it to, is it's like after a dog gets a bath and they need to run around on everything! In this photo we were able to diaper him, but that is not always the case.  He just cracks me up!!

March 28, 2014

4 months

Another month has flown by!!! I can't believe he is already 4 months old!! I keep referring to him as 3 months old whenever someone asks, so apparently I am in denial. Things are just so crazy busy that I sometime forget to slow down and appreciate him being little. I guess that is why this blog is so important... This little man is accomplishing something new everyday!! His big things this past month are...
        • He is teething!!! Crazy I know!! He doesn't have any poking out yet, but he definitely has the clear gum thing going on and plus he is biting EVERYTHING!!!
        • He LOVES Sophie the giraffe! Again it's the biting thing, but he took right to her when I gave it to him the first time.
        • He is waking 0 to 1 times a night. Granted he has been getting up in the six o'clock hour, but hey if I can sleep 8 hours straight I will take it! 
        • He is laughing ALL the time!!! He has the best smile (two dimples) and he has the deepest, from the belly, laugh!!!
        • He loves being on his belly!! I can't keep him on his back for longer than  a minute before he rolls over!
        • He is constantly chewing on his hands (hence the photo above) and he has started to put himself to sleep by sucking on his fingers. I think we will have a thumb sucker on our hands!
Here are some of the pictures of this little fella over the last month...

He had his four month appointment the other day, along with his four month shots. He of course cried with the shots, but at least this time he didn't feel as bad afterwards. The Dr. says he is doing great! He is getting started on Zantac for all his spitting up, so hopefully my laundry demands will diminish over the next few weeks!! Here are his stats: 

 Head Circumference: 41 cm
  Weight: 15 lbs 3 oz (44th percentile)
  Height: 27 inches (97th percentile)

He is one tall baby!!! Maybe we do stand a chance at a tall basketball son!!           

March 27, 2014

Dunking it with Tutu

We all know how much Jacob likes to dunk basketballs, but Tutu may have showed him his favorite thing to dunk...cookies in milk!!! Big surprise that he loved it! LOL! He not only loved dipping the cookie and sucking the milk off; he also enjoyed shifting the milk from glass to bowl and making cookie soup!  He made quite the mess... who knew 2 year olds weren't very good at pouring milk?!?! But he had a lot of fun!!

He was a very happy boy!!!

It may be hard to believe, but we didn't just go to Tutu's house to eat cookies and milk!! We went to hang out have fun for both boys. Jacob loved running around the deck in the backyard; jumping up and down the steps, and pretending everything was a pirate ship! His imagination is really starting to take shape... it's so fun to watch!!

Brayden had fun too with his Tutu and Aunt Jeannie!

I love this photo of Tutu and Brayden! I feel like they are giving the same looks... There is nothing like seeing your grandma with her great grandchildren!

March 17, 2014

Oh no, Brayden Stuck!!!

Whenever Brayden rolls over to his belly, which is a lot these days, Jacob runs over to him and says "Oh no Brayden stuck!" then flips him over to his belly. When it is just Mike and the boys, this is Mike's favorite game to play with them. He just constantly has Brayden flip over and then tells Jacob "Oh no, look at Brayden!!"
The other day, I will admit, that I was playing the game too, but I got different results from Jacob...
 Me: Oh no Jacob! Brayden's stuck!!
Jacob: No Mama, Brayden swimming.
Me: Brayden's swimming?
Jacob: Yeah. Brayden swimming like a shark. Brayden, Bruce shark!
(Can you tell he watches a lot of Nemo? Every shark is named Bruce! LOL) 

March 16, 2014

Saint Patrick's Day

Another tea party!!! However, we turned it into a little more manly tea party... this is the Wood household full of boys after all!!!  I went to the store and bought green, beer mug shot glasses for the kids to drink out of... I think that is totally appropriate by the way. Melo did prefer her own tea cups, to which Gabby responded, "Melo is a good, little Mormon girl and doesn't drink out of beer mugs!" Hahaha!!! The kids drank green cream soda out of their mugs. It was Jacob's first time drinking soda.  He was a little startled at first, his response being, "Mama that tickles my mouth!" Oh, how I love this kid!!! To go with the green theme, I made green eggs and ham as our main course. Brayden got to join the party this time while Tessa slept in her car seat.

Jacob had a little better manners this time, I think he preferred the beer mugs, he didn't eat like a dog and he only used his spoon to drink the soda towards the end of the meal.  Melo in true lady fashion, had her pinky up while drinking. She cracks me up!!!

Post tea time, the older kids ran around the house screaming and playing, so naturally Tessa woke up. But we didn't mind because it provided us with some picture taking opportunity! We tried to show their spirit for this holiday with the green scarf, but as you can tell in this photo, they were not amused. It was another great tea party!! Jacob loves having them, so much in fact that I may have to buy him his own tea set!

March 7, 2014

The Pose

It's funny how often I compare Jacob and Brayden, however there is another Wood boy that Brayden tends to emulate... his cousin Everett!! When Everett was a baby he used to put his hands behind his head and just pose, as if to say, "This is the life!"  It always made me laugh to see photos of him doing it, or catching him falling asleep like that. Here is a great photo of it...

Look how little baby Everett was!!! I always thought this pose was strictly an Everett pose... however his little cousin thinks it belongs to him now!

Brayden doesn't always have his hands so low on his head, but this version of the pose cracked me up! I wonder why they do this pose? I think Brayden likes to feel his hair, well that's my theory anyways. It's so great to see strong family genes...LOL!!!

March 3, 2014

3 Month Comparison

When we took Brayden to his 2 month appointment and go all his numbers, we just had to look back and see Jacob's numbers to see how they compared. I always remember Jacob being big, but I guess I forgot HOW big. It's funny because Brayden seems large to me, and compared to other babies. (Well everyone except Tessa, who is keeping up rather nicely with our large baby). So, when we looked at the stats, there was no height difference.  Both boys were 24.5  inches long (97th percentile).  However, the weight was a huge difference!! Brayden weighed 12 lbs 8 ounces and was in the 56th percentile.  Whereas Jacob weighed 14 lbs 13 ounces (90th percentile)!! It's amazing that at two months of age there was almost a 2.5 lbs difference between these boys!! Mike thinks that Brayden is catching up quickly to Jacob's numbers.  So here is their 3 month photos side by side...

I think Jacob may have a few rolls on Brayden, but if Brayden keeps eating the way he is, their four month stats will be the same!!  I just love that they both have the second chin!!! Oh, how I love my chunky monkeys!!!