May 6, 2014

Bouncer Fun!!!

Recently we decided to bring out the jumper for Brayden because he started jumping in our laps ALL the time!! So, to save our arms from being sore every single day, we decided he is at that age to enjoy jumping on his own. It's crazy to think that he is old enough to do this already!! I must say that the jumper could be my new favorite thing to watch Jacob and Brayden do together. It is hilarious!!

I can't help but laugh at this video! Now, I want everyone to know that I do tell Jacob that Brayden needs breaks from jumping with Jacob. I recognize that this could get out of hand pretty quickly, so Jacob always asks before he "jumps with Brayden." Brayden just loves his jumper!! Almost as much as his big brother!

 Jacob likes the bouncer for another reason... it allows him to have Brayden's full attention!! This is often the time that Jacob decides to read to Brayden.  In this photo, the story went as follows, " Pooh bear goes to work. Brayden jump. Jacob jump. Mama jump. That's a good story!!" LOL Jacob's vocabulary is just cracking me up lately!!

May 2, 2014

Easter Festivities

With our mellow Easter Sunday, we somewhat forgot to do a lot of the Easter traditions before hand. For example, dying eggs!! We waited until Easter morning to do that!! LOL I must say though, it was one of my favorite experiences with Jacob. He thought it was the greatest thing in the world, that the eggs would change colors...almost like magic!! He only broke a few eggs... and I walked aways giving Mike and I an A+ on the no mess making and inventing colors (oh another thing when you dye eggs on Easter Sunday... you shouldn't wait to buy the dye until that morning because no one carries it!)

We had so much fun dying these eggs, that it makes me want to do it again just randomly through the year!!  Jacob was very proud of all his eggs.  He was sad when they had to take a "nap" in the fridge until dinner...LOL.

The Easter Bunny made a visit to our house too!!! Jacob was very excited to see all the stuff he got!!  As Uncle Matt Matt said, "Why is Jacob dressed like he's going to a rave?" LOL I guess the Easter Bunny got a little crazy with accessories this year! The Easter Bunny even got him underwear, so we'll see where that takes us!!

I had to share a couple of my favorite pictures from Easter... they just don't get any cuter than this!!
(And yes Jacob is trying to eat the egg with the shell on it!! LOL)