August 26, 2014

Summer Time...

Wow this summer flew by!!! I can't believe Mike went back to school this week and the boys are going back to daycare!!! CRAZY!!! I feel like I have so much to catch everyone up on that I don't know where to start?!?!? I guess the beginning is always a good place ;0)

So we had July fourth and the World Cup this was quite the patriotic month!!! It was so fun to teach Jacob about soccer and about our country.  I think he was chanting U-S-A for the whole month of July. So I had to of course work on the 4th, but we still went to Gabby and Jason's house to celebrate. Jacob definitely didn't care for the fireworks because they were "too loud!", no surprise there! However, Brayden was fascinated by them.Thanks to Gabby we had many projects and themes happening...including waffles, cupcakes, make your own flag (it is quite possible that Memo and Jacob have never seen an American Flag based on their replication lol).

I thought these facial expressions were priceless!!! So funny watching them blow these out...oh and they were trick candles too! (Gabby's idea!!)

They obviously enjoyed the cupcakes too!!

Here is our patriotic breakfast!!
This summer there was a lot of swimming!!! Between us finally joining a gym1(yay to getting healthy!) and going to Tahoe, and other various swim places; Both Jacob and Everett are getting more comfortable in the water!!! As you can tell by the lower left picture, Brayden has no issues with water lol!

Jacob also took up a new sport this summer...
He really likes to golf...however, I believe the golf club went into the garbage after someone was hit in the!!! (Yeah, my dad gave him this!)

We have also had some good times with Everett and Kiki!!! We had a few sleepovers and lots of play dates!! these cousins love hanging out with each other!!

As I look over the spelling of this post I am realizing that there is a lot about Jacob LOL. Brayden has accomplished so much this summer too!!! I feel like this post is getting a little long, so my post tomorrow will be all about Brayden!