December 17, 2009

Shadd Style Christmas

On Monday my family got together to decorate the house for Christmas...funny thing is the only free time we could all get together is Monday morning, oh the joys of a recession :0)  Our family wasn't going to get a tree this year, but one of Kevin's friend's family bought us a tree!! Which was very, very nice of them.  It was quite a nice morning, my dad made breakfast and we had awesome Ghiradelli chocolate mochas...YUMMMM!!!! We of course listened to Christmas music, however my dad and Kevin started to download rediculous songs by Elmer Fudd or Larry the Cable Guy.  Nothing makes it more like Christmas than Elmer Fudd singing Silent Night!  After decorating the tree Kevin brought out his guitar and started singing and playing songs.  He is very, very talented.  Once I figure out how to put videos on here, I will post him playing and singing.  Overall, it was a very relaxing morning and now the house is already for Christmas!!!

December 16, 2009

Christmas Craft Day

This past Sunday we had Christmas craft day as a family.  Tori and I spent most of the day making snowman chair covers, which took forever!!! If I never cut another piece of felt it will be too soon!!! They did turn out super cute though.  Kim spent the entire day making a pom pom wreath, which she didn't quite finish, as you can see.  But when it is done, it will look super cute.  After Tor and I made the snowman chair covers, I decided to embark on another project... the reindeer wreath.  Suprisingly it didn't take very long and it turned out pretty good.  Matt spent the whole day making ravioli for Christmas eve!!! I can't wait to eat them...even though brains are in them ;0) Debbi and Tweedy did all the mixes, which is awesome cause those take forever!! Now your probably thinking to yourself, where was Dayton and Mike?!?! Mike was our runner, anything we forgot or needed at the store he happily went and got it.  As for Dayton, well he had quite the morning...he was preparing the house to get solar panels.  In the process of putting up sheetrock he hit the phone line with a nail and cause all the phones downstairs not to work!! Let's say he was a little pissed and after he fixed it he just wanted to sit and watch movies.  We actually got to watch three movies this year...  Home Alone, The Grinch (Jim Carrey version), and of course everyone's favorite... Love Actually!!! Oh and yes Mad Dog was there, but she was a grinch!!!

Last Day of Nursing School

So this past Thursday was my lastday of school for forever (well at least as of right now).  Suprisingly it was kind of bittersweet.  I always imagined that day as a day of nothing but pure happiness, but I definitely was a little sad.  Its hard to believe that 2 1/2 years is already over!!! Although it was the toughest years of my life, it did go by very fast.  Thankyou everyone for supporting me through the program, I know Iwasn't the most pleasent of people at times and I am really glad that everyone stuck with me until the end!! After our class on Thursday we went to Mr. Lucky's for some drinks and had an awesome time pre-partying/ getting ready for the next day.  On Friday we had a huge party with about 170 people!!! Everyone in the program showed up.  Of course like the idiot I am, I forgot my camera, so I had to steal photo's from  Anyways, thanks to Kimmy I looked pretty good that night ;0). Here are some pictures... I realize that the picture of me and Mike makes me look somewhat preggers (but I am the way!!!) I have just put on a little weight since the begining of the program. The nursing 25 hit me  Anyways the night turned out really great and all my hard work paid off!!! Now it is time tostudy, once again, for the last test that I will ever take, so can get a job!! YAY for paychecks!!!

December 8, 2009

Which Ornament is best?

Here are the snowman that Matt and Mike each made when they were little... these ornaments are at the heart of the argument.  I realize the photo is a little far away, but the only detail you can't really see is that Matt's snowman is kind of jaundice (yellow eyes).  So what's the verdict people?!?!

December 7, 2009

Christmas Tree Hunting

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On Sunday we went hunting for our Christmas tree in Morgan Hill.  It was very, very, cold, but fun.  Mike had a hard time getting around the hill of trees because of his crutches, but thank goodnes that it didn't rain cause mike could have gotten stuck in the mud....which actually would have been hilarious!! We finally found a tree after hauling Mike all over the mountain...which I am sure he enjoyed.  The tree was for Debbi and Dayton's house.  Mike, Matt, Kim, and I have decided not to get a tree this year, but are loking for alternative if you guys have any ideas let us know.  After we went tree hunting we had an awesome lunch at Chipotle and then went to papa's house.  We watched some football... New Orleans won!!! YAY!!! The Niners continue to suck (as usual), and the Raiders actually pulled of a victory!!! So not a complete waste of a football Sunday.  
When we got home from papa's we had ribs for dinner and started decorating.  Of course that was when the madness began.  Every year the boys (meeaning Matt and Mike) fight about who's homemade ornaments are better.  Well Matt's are pretty So I have to take my husbands side on this one (sorry Matt).  However, it was figured out this year that Matt actually did not make some of the ornaments and that the room moms did.  Well, these room moms need a little help with their  Yes they are that bad! We finished up the night with egg nog and homemade funfetti cake...which I had no idea could be possible, but it was very good!  It was a great start to the holiday season!! I can't wait till this week is over (school will be done forever!!), and Gabby and Jason come home on the 22nd!!! YAY!!!

December 1, 2009

Elf Yourself

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So I just got home from picking Matt and Kim up from the airport.  Its way early in the morning, but I am too awake to go to sleep, so I decided to visit one of my favorite websites during the holiday.  ELF YOURSELF!!! It makes me crack up everytime!! Anyways enjoy it, but when/if you press play make sure you pause the music already playing for this page, otherwise it will sound even more like the chipmucks!! Its officially the holiday season when the four of us are dressed like elves!!