December 8, 2009

Which Ornament is best?

Here are the snowman that Matt and Mike each made when they were little... these ornaments are at the heart of the argument.  I realize the photo is a little far away, but the only detail you can't really see is that Matt's snowman is kind of jaundice (yellow eyes).  So what's the verdict people?!?!


  1. I'm gonna have to go with Mike's. Matt's reminds me of a baby chick...I think it's the head. :) Tori

  2. LOL!!!! Yeah his snowman's head/neck looks a little broken... lol

  3. Matt's does look fluffier, and it looks like his has more buttons. Mike's seems a bit neater though, and I like his scarf. I think I'll have to make my judgment in person... 13 more days!!!

  4. What I would like to comment on is the fact that they both are making the exact same expression!! To me that is creepier than the snowmen.
