October 3, 2011

Baby Shopping

The excitement of having a baby and finding out the sex tomorrow, finally got to Mike this weekend.  We found this event online that sounded pretty cool called "Twin Valley Mother of Twin's Club equipment and clothing sale", that was going on at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds.  It was only on Saturday and of course I had to work.  So Mike went  with Auntie Kiki and Auntie Blam to this event.  Let's just say I have never come home from work and seen Mike so excited to tell me about his day.  He actually said, "This was the coolest event ever!!" "We are definitely going to another one!" Well $204.50 later our extra bedroom is now filled with baby stuff... and Mike could not be more proud!  I will let the pictures do the talking.

Here is the giant pile of stuff.. some stuff to point out are a baby swing, an umbrella stroller, the trash bags are filled with clothing, receiving blankets, books, and smaller toys.  There is also a bumbo wedged in there too, and I think that U-shaped pillow is called a boppy (don't quote me on that people I am new at this...lol)

This is one of my favorite purchases (and Baloo's too) the seat rolls around so all the toys can be played with.  Baloo has already tested it out... he seems to like it so I think Baby Kirby will too.

This hippo flashlight I think was more of a purchase for Mike, but it made us laugh for many hours.  Whenever his mouth opens to shine a light it makes the goofiest laugh ever.  I love it!!

Not that we know what we are having, but Mike saw this onesie and just had to have it.  Since it is Mike's motto.

 And last but not least the costume purchases.  I think Baby Kirby has more costumes than any other child on the planet already...lol.  Auntie Kiki and Auntie Blam found the frog costume and Mike found the lion costume. I think they are amazing!! Good job guys on all the purchases and thank you so much for going for me!!


  1. Baby Kirby's Aunts rule! I told Sam your child will be going to his/her first day of school in that frog outfit. It was a good time and I was able to educate your hubby on what many baby items were.

  2. Thank you for dropping some knowledge this way...we need it!
