May 31, 2012

Fun in the Sun

This past Memorial Day was spent at lovely Auntie Blam's house. It was a great BBQ with awesome food and company.  Since Sam has a pool at her house, I thought it would be a great opportunity to pull out Jacob's brand new pool. It took us girls a few minutes to figure out how to put it together, but ultimately we got it!! It worked out so well!!! I can't wait till he really figures out how to use it!! Here are the pictures from that day... his outfit is courtesy of Tyler and Sara from Patagonia!! SPF 50 people!!! AMAZING!! I also have to give credit to Auntie Tori cause she got the sunglasses, the hat, and my bathing suit (a one piece, officially a mom now).

Sam put it the best, he looks like a little old man!! So cute!!!
He is a little too cool for school in this picture.
Normally he loves to stand, but in this pool he just wanted to sit the whole time...I guess he really is a Pisces cause he loves the water!
Glasses off in this photo...too be honest I am surprised they lasted as long as they did.

The Best Sound in the World...

As many of you know, I am anxiously awaiting milestones to be accomplished by Jacob.  The rolling over is a big one for me, but he just does not seem to be interested.  Well, my favorite milestone happened a couple weeks ago...his laugh.  It is the best sound in the world!! Granted I think my mom is the one who makes him laugh the hardest (that's because she is the goofiest), but he will do it for Mike and I sometimes. I can hold off on the rolling over as long as I can hear this laugh everyday...

 I just think this is the best video ever!! I seriously cannot stop watching it.  If your having a bad day, just watch this video.

May 29, 2012

3 Months Old!!!

I can't believe he is already 3 months old!!! I feel like over this last month he has really shown his personality.  He has started talking a lot!! And when I say talking, I mean he speaks baby very well, in fact he has about a 5 minute conversation with me in the middle of every meal. Other accomplishments this month are he discovered his hands (which are his favorite toys), he has learned to take naps in various places, he also discovered his tongue, he went in a kiddy pool for the first time (I will blog about that later), and finally the most exciting is he saw basketball being played in real life and seemed to really like it! I almost forgot!! My most favorite accomplishment of his this past month, his laugh!! It cracks me up!!! Again I will post a video of his laugh later to.

Jacob also went on his longest trip in the car this past month.  We went to visit Gabby and Melodie in Sacramento!! He did great in the car, thank goodness.  Watching Melo and him interact was pretty funny... Jacob tolerated her better when she was restrained, but her screeches did alarm him a bit.  I do think he secretly loved it though because he did not want to nap that day at all.  Anyways, Gabby did a wonderful photo shoot for us.  So enjoy all these wonderful pictures...

He is such a happy baby!! Although he mostly silent laughs, it's great when the giant giggle sneaks out!
This photo is showing Gabby's artistic side...I think there is a new calling in her future!!
Jacob and his favorite toys!!
LOL... Melo's bear suit!!! Jacob's arms were a little long for it and it was at the end of the day... so let's just say that we don't have very many photos of him in this outfit.  The worried look in this photo explains it all.

 Here is my latest collage of him growing up... 1 day old to 3 months old!! CRAZY!!!

May 17, 2012

My First Mothers Day

Obviously this year Mother's Day was a little different because, well, I am a mom for the first time in my life.  I have been thinking a lot about my new role and how my life has changed, with this special day being upon us.  It's hard to find the words to say on what being a mother means, but I will do the best I can.
When I found out I was pregnant with Jacob, both Mike and I could not be happier and more scared at the same time.  At that moment, motherhood started.  I went from being selfish; eating cookie dough and sushi. To being so worried about the little person growing inside me being healthy and getting enough folic acid and DHA.  Once I started getting used to being pregnant, the real role of mothering came into light.  My role in motherhood completely changed the minute they set Jacob on my chest.  It's hard to imagine the love you can feel for your baby.  People always tell you, but it's something you truly cannot grasp until you have that child in your arms. 
Watching him grow over the last 12 weeks has been one of the most amazing things I have witnessed in my life (let's face it, that's saying something).  Some moms have talked about being sad that their baby is getting bigger and older.  To me, it isn't sad at all.  It gives me great joy watching him figure things out and accomplish new milestones.  Every stage he moves out of there will be something I miss, but every stage he moves into there will be something that makes me so happy. 
I have always wondered what happens to women when they become a mom.  Meaning do they get super powers? I always saw my mom doing everything in the world, and I was always wondering "How does she do it?" Well, now that I have filled that role I realize that when you become a mother you one hundred percent gain super powers! You just love your little ones, so much that the going out, sleeping in, having a clean house, or watching a show in one sitting doesn't mean as much anymore. Every fiber in your being wants to make every moment with your child the best moment of their life.  And as tired as I am, I think it is pretty cool to have super powers.

Here are some of the great things I have witnessed Jacob accomplish in the last 12 weeks:
 He learned to use the remote ;0)
He knows who Marky Mark/ Mark Wahlberg is and tries to dress like him.
He can fly.
He has made new friends, even if they do creep him out a bit.

To express how much a mother means, I found this on the Internet.  It said it better than I ever could.

A baby asked God,"They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"
"Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could be heard and the baby hurriedly asked, "God if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."
"You will simply call her, Mom."

May 3, 2012

Achoo Achoo...

A couple weeks ago Jacob started sneezing (like he always does), so I made fun of him and repeated what he does.  Well, that gives him a good laugh!! Granted it's a silent laugh, but it is still super cute!! He always sneezes at least twice, like his Uncle Matty.  Anyways, we were at the park the other day and I decided to record him.  It cracks me up because he can be all pouty, but the minute I start to fake sneeze and say "bless you," he starts smiling.In this video you can also see that he has recently discovered he has a tongue...he's not always pleased by it however.

He's such a cute little guy!!!

May 2, 2012

The Dreaded....

second month shots happened yesterday.  I have heard horror stories about this first round of vaccinations. If they weren't so necessary then I would opt out, but seeing as my background goes totally against that, of course I am gonna vaccinate.  Anyways he was quite the trooper during the whole appointment, even though it was scheduled during his big four hour nap of the day.  Dr. Chow actually said when she came in, "Look at that head control! I have a feeling he is going to be doing a lot of stuff early." After he got all checked out and was given the okay, in came the MA with the shots and the horrible tasting Rotovirus vaccine. He didn't care for that one much, but pushed through it and swallowed it.  The two shots came next.  They went really fast and he only cried for about a minute. Well, I should say I gave him the boob as a reward for being so good.  Once he latched all things were good again and he was smiling by the time we left! He fell asleep on the way home. He slept as he usually does during the night, but before bed he was a little irritable because he had a temp of 100.6.  Poor little man was a trooper and spent most of the day acting like he was too cool for school. Which is fine with me, as long as he is feeling better!
Apparently vaccinations tucker babies out! But hey sleeping is better than crying ;0)
Here are his two month stats:
Head Circumference: 41 1/4 cm (93rd percentile)
Height: 24.5 inches (94th percentile)
Weight: 14lbs 13 ounces (90th percentile)
His most remarkable growth is his height, he grew 2 inches in one month!! Crazy!!!

May 1, 2012

Jacob is 2 months old!!

Again this thing won't let me rotate the photo?!?! Weird... new technology confuses me a lot!! Well on with the blog! On Saturday, Jacob turned 2 months old!! Mike and I were talking about it the other day, saying we can't believe we are parents to a two month old already!! But then we follow it with, it seems like he's always been here though. So I guess that means... we have our great moments and our not so great moments ;0).
I feel like this photo comparison does not show how much he has changed over the last month.  In the photos he just looks a little wider and has a few more rolls.  However, developmentally he has come leaps and bounds!! This month he learned how to smile on his own (not just at his farts anymore, although he does laugh at those now too), he has an amazing silent laugh, he discovered his hands, he is pretty consistently sleeping through the night (my greatest accomplishment!), he has slept a few times in his crib, and he rolls to his side on his own.
Every month gets more fun than the last! I love watching him grow up and figure things out! Oh, and being at home all day cuddling isn't so bad either.