September 27, 2013

Sacramento Children's Museum

 So you know it was a great experience when I come home from an adventure and all I want to do is blog about it!! Our adventure today consisted of the Sacramento Children's Museum. Both Gabby and Mike were skeptical about this place and its price ($7.00 for anyone over the age of 1). Let's just say it was so awesome that both Gabby and I came home with memberships! LOL This place was AMAZING!! Although the word museum is kind of a misnomer, I honestly don't know another word to describe this place. It had everything from music time to painting,to a ball vacuum, to water tables, to a post office, and a grocery store!! The kids had a blast and we actually did too!

I think the painting was my personal favorite.  It was so cool to let the kids just have at the paint (minus when Jacob wanted to eat it). The middle picture is Memo and Jacob's final masterpiece. Obviously Jacob got my painting skills and not Tutu's. It was so funny in this station to see the innate difference between boys and girls. Jacob was getting the paint everywhere and Memo would say "oh no" if she got a little on her hands.  It just cracked me up.

Jacob's favorite station was the water station...I'm not sure if he liked drinking or playing in the water more. It was pretty nice cause they had water smocks to protect clothing (I'm not that kind of mom) and life jackets (which Gabby and I have no idea why, lol).  There was a wooden boat there too, which Jacob and Memo had a blast playing on.
There was a little section for 3 and under only, which I found a little odd since majority of the kids fell into that age group. Anyways, that's where they rode the cows and found this seesaw! We didn't even need to show them how it worked... they just knew!! They're getting so big!!

Here's a close up of Michelangelo at work. I love the focus he has in this photo.
It was honestly a great day...minus that both kids barely napped afterwards!! We are blaming it on the Panera mac n' cheese because that's what we had for lunch.  I can't wait to go back!!! (To the Children's museum, not Panera)

September 26, 2013

Time to Meet...

 Baby #2!!! Well, not completely yet, but on sonogram. We got these pictures in July, so obviously a while ago. However, our excitement is increasing by the day!! I am officially 31 weeks and 3 days right now. My belly is huge!!! And apparently, so is the little one hiding in there. Although having a 9lb 15oz. baby last time hurt, I think I would prefer it because of the easy sleeping and eating. LOL I'll take any extra sleep any way I can get it.  Most of you already know what gender we are having, but just in case...
Jacob is actually really excited about the baby. He always kisses my belly and says baby.  It's really cute. We'll see if his excitement stays the same when the baby comes home...LOL.  They will be 21 months apart!! We got a 3D done, not on purpose because Mike thinks all babies look like Voldemort in those photos, but the place automatically did them. So here is his cute little face... (I don't think he looks like Voldemort, but hey I'm the mother).

And of course the belly shot...

September 25, 2013

Auntie Towee!!!

Tori Came to Visit!!! Tori Came to Visit!!! After three months apart, Tori finally was able to get up to visit us and see our new house! We had an awesome weekend together just catching up. And Jacob loved spending time with his Auntie Towee!! As bored as Jacob looks in this picture... he really did have a great time.  We actually kept pretty busy surprisingly cause my pregnant body is slowing down each day I get closer to the due date!! We ate dinner at the fountains in Roseville and rode the train there (saving those pictures for another blog). 
Then we went to a big baby sale where we shopped till we dropped basically. (I shopped both days with Kimmy and Tori! Christmas here we come!!) We got cool toys like this horse, which is technically a present from my dad.

We spent many hours at the park... this lady bug "ride" is his favorite for no apparent reason, it barely moves!

Then we had our standard trip to Target. We stocked up on 49er gear, which obviously has not worked out so far.
We have missed Auntie Towee a great deal since our move to Rocklin... We keep trying to trick her into moving here!!! So here is another attempt...

Don't you want to see these two, almost 3, beautiful faces everyday Auntie Towee!?!?!?

September 21, 2013

A Boy and His Cupcake

The other night Jacob got to experience his first cupcake!!! Surprise, Surprise... it was at his Auntie Gabby's house. Gabs made blue cupcakes for Jason's birthday, which we all got to enjoy while Jason was  Needless to say, Jacob absolutely loved his cupcake!

Here's the start... not too messy

 Then he really starts digging in!

"Memo" also had a cupcake that she ate like a lady. She was sitting across the table from Jacob just staring at him eating, with great concern. She then started saying "Oh, No! Oh, No!" She then got out of her chair and grabbed the wipes.
She knew Jacob needed the wipes...
He tried to clean himself up, but with no avail. The both needed baths afterwards.
"Memo" already had a bath prior to cupcakes, but couldn't stand the thought of Jacob being slightly more clean than her.

Guess which cupcake was "Memo" and which was Jacob? LOL

September 18, 2013

Untold Stories of the Toddler Bed

No one said it would be easy... in fact everyone that we told that we were going to attempt the toddler bed with our 18 month old said "It can't be done!" "Your crazy!" "Buying another crib will be worth it!" I would say that all those statements were very accurate... yet our stubborn selves (wonder where Jacob gets it?) disagreed and made it happen. Out first attempt was a complete and epic failure! Mike gave up within 20 minutes. It was our fault though, thinking that Jacob could change rooms and beds all at once. The next week we got smart about it...we put the toddler bed next to his crib in the nursery. The first night it took about an hour of battling before he finally fell asleep. However, when he did fall asleep he was half on half off the bed, so we had to move him. Thank goodness he sleeps like a hibernating bear! The next night could have been the funniest experience yet. Mike put him in bed and about 30 minutes later we hear a "THUD!" I say funny now, but at the time my PICU nurse in me was checking for head injuries. He actually went right back to sleep though. A few hours after that, Mike checked the monitor and saw that he was hanging off the bed again.  Well after a couple minutes in the room Mike comes back and says, "Well I just about had a heart attack! The thing hanging off the bed was actually his blanket. I couldn't see him anywhere in his room cause it was so dark, but then my foot hit something!" Jacob somehow fell/got off the bed and slept on the floor for who knows how long! The hibernating bear transferred back to the bed quite nicely though. Since that second night, it has been going much better. We have not used the crib in 2 weeks!!

Naps on the other hand....

 First he tries to escape. There is some crying in this stage. I don't think we will ever buy the latch door handles!! LOL

 After many failed attempts he decides to pick up a book (the pirate book) and read for a while...
 When he finishes the pirate book he gets out of bed and grabs another book. (and repeats this step about four times).
Finally after he reads himself tired he falls asleep with 4-5 books surrounding him.

Its amazing how much better he is at night when Mike puts him down. I think he is just playing his mother!

September 16, 2013

Jacob's Crush

Since moving up to Rocklin and having Gabby & Jason basically right down the street... Jacob and Melodie's relationship has truly blossomed! I didn't really realize how attached Jacob was to Melodie until this week.  Gabby, Jason, and Melodie have been in Utah for almost a week, I think, and Jacob has definitely noticed. Anytime we go somewhere he says "Memo?" At home he just likes to look at "Memo" on my phone. And tonight was the topper...doing a swim lesson without her.  I must  say that these caring feelings for each other have not always existed. In fact, I would say that they have just recently started to appreciate each others company.

Here is their first meeting.... Jacob decided to punch her in the face (not a good start)

 Then a month or so later they met again at Easter. Melodie was upset because she tried to return Jacob's punch from the first time they met, and Gabby wouldn't let her.

When Jacob was three months old and Melodie was 8 months old... they started sharing clothes and became more tolerating of each other.

Here they are now... At the ripe old age of 1, they have not only learned to tolerate each others company, but they are starting to enjoy each other. They actually run and hug when they see each other now (which could be the cutest thing I have ever witnessed!)

Needless to say I think Jacob has his first crush!!

September 7, 2013

"Wowee Maui!!!"

Since it has been a month since we got back from Maui; my tan has faded, Jacob started wearing shirts again, and we no longer consider a bath going into the ocean. I figured it would be a great time to blog about our wonderful vacation! We decided to go to Hawaii months ago for Debbi's 60th birthday. After the many weeks of indecision, we finally booked our dream vacation!! We could not have asked for a better location to stay. Above is a picture of our view from the back porch every single night!! We had beach and pool access within walking distance whenever we wanted!! There was a huge grass area in the back yard that the boys loved to play on. I think I would have been happy never leaving our place, but of course you can't travel 3,000 miles and not leave your condo. 

 One of our favorite stops was shaved ice. In our week there we figured out the best places to go; top two are Local Boys and Ululani's... both of which were a five minute drive from our house, which only added to the value of our condo location. Our sugar intake was off the charts in those 7 days.
Waiting in line for the luau

 Jacob's favorite nights that we had in Hawaii was the luau. He got to wear his entire Hawaiian outfit (shirt unbuttoned of course).  The line was rather long when we got there, but Jacob didn't mind because he viewed it as a great audience to be center of attention.  The night consisted of dancing and eating...which lets face it, is Jacob's dream event! During the dancing every time they stopped, he would say "more. more." It was quite hilarious actually. We were lucky to get into the luau when we did because Flossy the hurricane showed up the next day. 

When Flossy showed up we actually had a lot of fun! A tropical storm is so different from anything in California. We played in the rain for a long time because it was so warm. Jacob ran around, Matt collected sounds, and I took video. So maybe I should say that the three of us who braved the the storm had a lot of fun!
Jacob running in the rain...
Jacob and Bampa  playing with the rain water... Jacob's face says it all!   

Of course being in Maui most of our time was spent on the beach.  Both boys did really well with the ocean and pool!! I think we officially have water babies!! Which I am so excited about! As for the grown ups we went snorkeling and paddle boarding. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I was the best paddle boarder in the house, even at five months pregnant! Anyways here are some beach pictures...
Matt and Everett at Black Rock Beach
Our family photo on the water "choo-choo"
KiKi and Everett...I think this is after KiKi went snorkeling!
I love this photo...his swim floaty cracks me up!!
Here's Mike actually standing on the paddle me these photos are few and far between. lol       
I have to finish the blog with my two favorite pictures of the boys. I love how happy Everett looks leaning against a tree...
And this photo of Jacob just makes me realize how grown up he looks!! My little island boy with his tan and bleach blond hair! We had such and amazing time in Maui and can't wait to go back!! I love it there!!

September 1, 2013

Ice Cream Time!!!

Thanks to Jacob's Auntie Gabby and Melo...he experienced chocolate ice cream on a cone for the very first time. Surprise, Surprise it was a huge hit!! Jacob kept saying, "More,More."

 Here is the start... it looks pretty contained...
Then the digging in  began...
"No mama, I will not be sharing this with you"
Super happy boy!
"Auntie Gabby are you getting me more?"

I love this hungry monster of a kid!!! Although I am seeing a pattern that at Gabby's house he gets treats that he normally doesn't, so no wonder it takes him for ever to leave their house!!