September 21, 2013

A Boy and His Cupcake

The other night Jacob got to experience his first cupcake!!! Surprise, Surprise... it was at his Auntie Gabby's house. Gabs made blue cupcakes for Jason's birthday, which we all got to enjoy while Jason was  Needless to say, Jacob absolutely loved his cupcake!

Here's the start... not too messy

 Then he really starts digging in!

"Memo" also had a cupcake that she ate like a lady. She was sitting across the table from Jacob just staring at him eating, with great concern. She then started saying "Oh, No! Oh, No!" She then got out of her chair and grabbed the wipes.
She knew Jacob needed the wipes...
He tried to clean himself up, but with no avail. The both needed baths afterwards.
"Memo" already had a bath prior to cupcakes, but couldn't stand the thought of Jacob being slightly more clean than her.

Guess which cupcake was "Memo" and which was Jacob? LOL

1 comment:

  1. How did I become like the sugar fairy? Jacob can come over anytime and eat cupcakes & ice cream & Pringles. You know how Memo feels about veggies or anything remotely healthy..
