Minus all the major milestones that every baby does, the things that I will want to remember most about Jacob being so little are:
- He was such a chunky monkey!!! He was always in the 90th percentile for weight, height, and head size until he turned one!
- A very happy baby... There would be days that we would go without hearing him cry. So easy going!!
- He would eat anything!!! I remember he tried to grab Mike's burrito and take a bite when he was about 5 months old.
- He took his first steps being motivated by a bite of cake across the room! LOL
- He would always fall asleep in his bouncer.
- And let's face it... one of the cutest babies I have ever seen!! (I might be a little biased)
Well, it is obvious that my oldest boy is no longer a baby, infant, newborn, or any term like that. He is officially a toddler!! Old enough to ride the roller coaster at Incredible John's, move up a class at daycare, start soccer, and the biggest milestone yet, becoming a great big brother! He astonishes me every day!! There has yet to be a day that Mike and I don't turn to each other and laugh at something new he has done. He is at such a fun age and has a huge vocabulary, so that makes conversations hilarious!! Some of my favorite sayings are:
- "Jacob gas!" After he farts. Or "Brayden gas!" after he farts (blames it on Brayden)...either one is so funny!!
- His response to "Jacob, Who do you love?" He always says, "Love basketball game!!" Then he proceeds down the list of family members.
- Who he says good night to, "Goodnight, Dada. Goodnight, Mama. Goodnight, Brayden. Goodnight Michael Jordan."
- When he teaches Brayden something. "Brayden that's your toes Brayden. See Brayden, your toes. Brayden, look your toes."
- He yells "Earthquake!!" Then rocks himself and falls over.
- He starts dancing around and shaking his head, saying "Going crazy mama!!!"
- He'll do something like shuffle his feet and then looks at me and says "Mama, like this?"
- I can't explain this one and it needs a picture, but he makes this face when he asks a very serious question. I can't help but laugh every time I see him make it.
- My favorite new word of his is "Crocodile." He says it so funny.
He is growing up to be such a smart, caring, and sweet little man. I am so excited for what this next year will bring. I can only imagine the craziness that not only he will bring to our lives, but what he will teach his brother. I could not have asked for a better older brother for Brayden. As a family we are so lucky to have a child that is so inherently nurturing. I am one proud mama of this little man!! I love him so much!!!!