February 28, 2014

2 years old?!?!?

Where did the time go???? It is hard to believe that two years ago today, I was in the hospital shocked that I just gave birth to my very own baby boy (the shock could have been due to the fact that he was 10 lbs). I will always remember that day as one of excitement, nervousness, and most of all complete and utter happiness!! The biggest thing I remember was right when Jacob was born, the nurse yelling "He has a dimple!!!" I literally laughed out loud at her excitement! In that moment, our life had forever changed... in the best way possible. Now two years later, we are still loving every minute of it!! Jacob has grown up so much in the last two years, it's hard to even imagine him as a baby.  But alas  he was...
Minus all the major milestones that every baby does, the things that I will want to remember most about Jacob being so little are:
            • He was such a chunky monkey!!! He was always in the 90th percentile for weight, height, and head size until he turned one!
            • A very happy baby... There would be days that we would go without hearing him cry. So easy going!!
            • He would eat anything!!! I remember he tried to grab Mike's burrito and take a bite when he was about 5 months old.
            • He took his first steps being motivated by a bite of cake across the room! LOL
            • He would always fall asleep in his bouncer.
            • And let's face it... one of the cutest babies I have ever seen!! (I might be a little biased)

Well, it is obvious that my oldest boy is no longer a baby, infant, newborn, or any term like that. He is officially a toddler!! Old enough to ride the roller coaster at Incredible John's, move up a class at daycare, start soccer, and the biggest milestone yet, becoming a great big brother!  He astonishes me every day!! There has yet to be a day that Mike and I don't turn to each other and laugh at something new he has done.  He is at such a fun age and has a huge vocabulary, so that makes conversations hilarious!! Some of my favorite sayings are:

            • "Jacob gas!" After he farts. Or "Brayden gas!" after he farts (blames it on Brayden)...either one is so funny!!
            • His response to "Jacob, Who do you love?" He always says, "Love basketball game!!" Then he proceeds down the list of family members. 
            • Who he says good night to, "Goodnight, Dada. Goodnight, Mama. Goodnight, Brayden. Goodnight Michael Jordan."
            • When he teaches Brayden something. "Brayden that's your toes Brayden. See Brayden, your toes. Brayden, look your toes."
            • He yells "Earthquake!!" Then rocks himself and falls over.
            • He starts dancing around and shaking his head, saying "Going crazy mama!!!"
            • He'll do something like shuffle his feet and then looks at me and says "Mama, like this?"
            • I can't explain this one and it needs a picture, but he makes this face when he asks a very serious question. I can't help but laugh every time I see him make it.
            • My favorite new word of his is "Crocodile." He says it so funny. 

He is growing up to be such a smart, caring, and sweet little man. I am so excited for what this next year will bring. I can only imagine the craziness that not only he will bring to our lives, but what he will teach his brother. I could not have asked for a better older brother for Brayden. As a family we are so lucky to have a child that is so inherently nurturing. I am one proud mama of this little man!! I love him so much!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Melo welcomes Jacob to the 2-year-old club. Happy belated birthday, Jacob!!
