So this first story begins with this frog to my left. I can't remember who got this for the boys, but we just recently pulled it out. Jacob is into hiding things and having us or Brayden find them. So he went and hid the frog in our room while we were all in his room...
J: Came running into his room saying "Momma! Daddy! Come look at the frog! He's talking nonsense!!"
A: "Your frog is talking nonsense?"
J: "Momma come look at it! He's talking nonsense!"
Both Mike and I were almost in tears because we were laughing so hard! What was awesome, was the amazing dance party that came after that. That will be the next post!
Mike took Jacob to his Halloween carnival at school last weekend (notice no pictures with this, that's because Mike didn't take any!) Jacob got a balloon sword to take home...
M: "Jacob don't let the balloon touch the ground because it will pop."
(Jacob touches the balloon to the ground and it popped)
J: With tears in his eyes, "Oh no daddy! My sword turned into a snail!"
The picture to the right is just so cute, and another example of how good a big brother Jacob is...
When I came outside to take this photo Jacob said...
"Momma, I'm taking care of my baby!"
My heart grew a 1,000 times over!
Recently, we got a new car seat for Jacob because Brayden has grown so much, that we needed to rotate everyone. So, Jacob is now forward facing (eeek!), but it has allowed for increased conversations in the car. Yesterday, when I picked him up from school, we got their report cards. Jacob was sitting in back.
J: "Momma can I have that mail?"
A: "Sure!" (hand it to him)
J: "Momma, can you give me glasses, so I can read?"
A: "I don't have glasses."
J: " Okay. Can we go put this mail in the post box?"
One of my favorite things that Jacob talks about, is his family members. He randomly just brings people up... I'm not sure what triggers his memory, but it is very funny!
While playing in the play room... "Momma, can Grandpa Chris come over? I love Grandpa Chris."
In the car on the way to school...
A: "Jacob I love you! Brayden I love you!"
J: "I love Brayden too! I love my daddy. I love my papa Eddie. I love my Grandpa Dayton. I love my Noni."
Coming down the stairs...
A:"Jacob do you want waffles for breakfast?"
J: "I want pancakes. Grandma Jen and Tutu like pancakes too! They come over and eat with me?"
I love this kid!!! And seeing him grow into this little boy has been amazing!!! I can't wait to see what the future brings!
Kids are so funny! And that frog is totally not what I imagined when you told me this story.