March 30, 2010

Another Kevin Update...

Although he didn't write to me, he wrote to my parents.  He is doing really well, I guess he moved up to recruit level two and is one week away from moving up to recruit level three.  He didn't say whether he named his gun, but I did give him everyone's suggestions, so hopefully he picks one of them because they were all pretty funny.  He also had his PFT's last week or two weeks ago.  He did really well; he did 20 pull ups (the max), he did 104 sit ups in 2 minutes (the highest level) and he did 3 miles in 20 minutes.  He wasn't to happy with the last time because he got stuck behind some fat people (in his words).  So he thinks he will do better when it comes to the real one... he scored a 284 out of 300.  So pretty good!!! He needs to get a 290 if he wants to qualify for recon, but he thinks he will do it no problem!! He now weighs 143 lbs, which I didn't think he could get skinnier, but apparently he can!! He seems to be doing really well, but is very excited to come home.... thank you for all the well wishes!! He will graduate on May 7th, so its just over a month away!!! YAY!! Here are some pictures from his last night here, just in case you forgot what he looks like ;0)

Oh the brother and sister love... I am very very proud of him!!!

Here is the cute picture of proud Aunt Jeannie and Tutu... and of course Andy!!
Oh and of course the proud brother-n-law!! Which I never realized, Mike is a lot taller than Kevin, or he may be standing on the fireplace, I don't know.  If you would like to write to him just ask me for his address.  He says his favorite time of the week is when he gets to read everyone's letters.


  1. Go Kevin!! When I read the Kevin posts to Jason, he gets all pumped to join. Add it to his list of professions...

    Did you include Tabitha and Gisele as gun names?

  2. Yup I did... I figured he would get a laugh out of them if he didn't take them to seriously. I got another letter from him today and he said that he is second highest in rifle training so thats pretty cool!!! But he is definitely excited to come home though
