The week before last Mike and I drove down to L.A. for Mike's spring break. Although I was still feeling a little sick I couldn't back out cause Mike was way excited to get out of town. The first day we were down there we went to the Price is Right and met Drew Carey!!! ALthough we didn't get called up, cause half our group bailed!!! It was still fun. Side note: if you ever get group tickets to that show make sure you ask like 30 people cause they all won't show up, so you will end up with 15 which is the minimum. Just a little hint that everyone should know. But it was a lot of fun. The second day was the day I was looking forward to the most cause it was DISNEYLAND DAY!! We went with the Hahn family, for those of you who don't know them they are one of mike's coworker's family. It was the first time we went to Disneyland with young kids... a three year old and a one year old. It was a lot of fun to see them get so excited about the little rides...who knew the carosel was so fun?!?! Anyways we stayed for the whole day, which I think was the hottest day of the year (90 degrees!!). The next day we went home cause I wasn't feeling good...of course. Then what do you know a week and a half later I am finally able to get out of bed and write this blogs...GOOD TIMES!!
Brittany and Trisha on Buzz Lightyear!!! And for the first time in history Mike beat me in that ride...DAMN!!
Brittany and Bryan standing in line for the cars. Literally 20 people from the front of the line (after waiting for 45 minutes) Brittany says "Daddy I have to go pee." Bryan says "Can you hold it?" And before he could even finish she says noa dn starts dancing around... so of course we had to get out of line, but the nice Disney people let us in to our exact spot!! It truely is the most magical place in the owrld...where else is that allowed? ;0)
Haha, that same exact thing happened to us with Tyson (Jeff & Rondee's kid) in the line for Peter Pan! We didn't know about this Disneyland spot-holding policy, so we made the poor guy hold it. We live dangerously like that.