It's hard to believe that my little baby is already one month old (well really now that I am writing this he is over one month by a week). Anyways, the time seems to have flown by!! I know every mother says that, but now that I have one of my own I can really understand the true meaning of this statement. Over the last month he has accomplished quite a lot for such a little fella. He is now sleeping in his bassinet, he wakes up about 1 time per night (if anyone finds themselves awake between 0330 and 0430 feel free to text me). He has mastered the art of breast feeding, (just the other day I was able to breast feed him in his ergo while walking around Target (yup super mom here ;0)). He is getting really good at holding his head up!! Okay now for the his one month he was 12 lbs 12ounces, well we took him back four days after that and now he is up to 13 pounds!! LOL He is our little tank. He is now 22.5 inches in length (up 1 inch from birth), and lastly his head is in the 100th percentile. Of course huge!!!
To track his growth in photos, I decided on a basketball theme (weird I know). So I am going to track his growth on Mikey's old college jersey...pretty clever I thought. Here are some photos from that day...
It won't let me rotate it so enjoy the side view
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