June 30, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

So I can't believe the time is actually here (well its not quite here) but in November the first of the two final movies of Harry Potter is coming out!! This is the trailer and it looks amazing!!! Gabby I think you should come home in November to see this movie with all the girls.  There will be no margaritas for me that night because I know this movie is gonna be good!! Enjoy the trailer...

June 29, 2010

Sharon's Wedding

 This past week I was apart of my friend Sharon's wedding. She is Hindi, so I had a lot to learn including a dance to do in front of 400 people!!! The Hindi culture knows how to do weddings... they last five days long!! The wedding started on Wednesday night. (the picture on the left is from Wednesday night...that is Sharon with me) That night the women stayed at home and "partied" while the men went to the grooms house to do a couple of ceremonies. It was tons of fun!! On Thursday night Mike and I both went. (the picture on the right is from Thursday night... that is her cousin) It was also held at her house. This is when all the women get henna done on their hands... while Sharon gets it done on her hands and feet. She was stuck in her room for about four hours getting it done... but it looked so beautiful!! The women also performed a ceremony that night at a neighbors yard, which was really neat to watch. The men stayed back and drank Kava... which Mike wasn't a real big fan of...lol.We missed Friday night because my cousin was in town... but that night she got oil put on her, so that her skin would look amazing for Saturday, which it did!! On Saturday night, it was the actual wedding ceremony, which lasted about 5 hours!! It was really amazing to watch and Sharon looked absolutely amazing!! Saturday night was the night I did my dance and I have it on film, but I have to figure out how to post it on here...lol. So enjoy the pictures till then...

We had a great time through out the week... Sharon's family was so nice and welcoming!!

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Giants game with the Family

On Friday, the family finally got to meet my cousin's new girlfriend (who he is head over heels in love with).  She is from Boston, so for her birthday we all went to the Red Sox vs. Giants game.  We decided to spend the day in the city, since she had never been to San Fransisco.  We took the trolly down to Fisherman's Wharf and saw the sea lions an had some crab and clam chowder. Then we went to Pier 39... ate some giant chocolate bananas (and looked kinda funny doing it...lol).  Then we walked down to the game.
In true Red Sox fashion, there were more of them than us...which kinda pissed me off!! Cause the chants were for them the whole time!! Grrrrr... so in retaliation I decided to purchase a panda hat and growl at the Red Sox fans.  Needless to say the panda hat worked and we won!! YAY!! It was a really fun day and I absolutely love his girlfriend!  She is awesome!

Sara is in the middle on the picture above... and us riding the Trolly in true 1935 fashion!! And yes I almost lot my hat... but I caught it... yup I got skills like that ;0)

And this is an awkward picture of Mike eating his chocolate banana (enter joke here....)

And of course a picture of me and Tyler!! And me and Mike!!

Sex and the City 2

A couple of weeks ago, the girls and I went out to dinner and the movies.  In keeping with our ritual, we went to mexican food and loaded up on margaritas!! Which was a good thing because the movie was pretty terrible...lol.  But it was fun to go out with all the girls and spend some quality time together!
Next movie we are all gonna go see is Eclipse...which we will have a pitcher of margaritas for each of us cause I think we all know how bad that movie is gonna be!!

June 3, 2010

Kevin's Welcome Home Party

After three months of boot camp, Kevin finally came home.  So we thought in true Shadd fashion we would throw him a last minute party... it actually turned out to be a lot of fun!! It was my first time hosting a Shadd party, and I did it without major catastrophe!! YAY!!

This is my favorite... Both Amber and my mom look really cute!!