May 25, 2011

My 30 before 30 List Update aka This Girl has been Workin

I'm here to update my 30 before 30 list! I know a couple of you will be surprised that I completed some tasks on this list but to you I say " stop hating, haters." Most of these tasks were completed because my parents are coming into town tomorrow and I have to meet Momma Rosa's high standards. Now on to the completed items:

#4. Organize my home office desk and #5. Decorate my home office walls.

Okay this task was sadly a year in the making. I like to say our house is small and storage is limited so we liked to just put all our crap in the home office. You might ask "Hey I thought you had a garage?" and I'd say "Have you met my husband? He is a home wine maker and the garage is our makeshift winery." Duh, what else would we use our garage for? Let's take a look at some before pictures (please don't judge or report me to hoarders.)

Before pictures:

Yea it was a hot mess in there! Now look at the new and improved home office.

After Photos:

I love how it turned out! I added my Ikea shelf and my new bulletin board. Now I'm all inspired and can start making Matt's wine labels.

#8. Organize/decorate the floating shelves in our living room.

I was a bad blogger and didn't photograph the before of the shelves, my bad. Nothing drastic really changed, I rearranged some of the items and added a couple of books for height. I like the balance of the shelves more now. I'm trying to work with what I got as far as decorating goes at the moment since my cash flow is more like a trickle.

#10. Take an art class.

I took a calligraphy class in San Francisco and I loved it! And contrary to Mike's statement it wasn't filled with 80 year old grandmas. Some day people will realize I'm way more hip than 80 year olds. Almost everyone there was around my age or younger. There were only 2 older ladies. Calligraphy is awesome but something that takes years and years to perfect. I hope to work on it here and there and get halfway decent at it. My next art class I want to take is letterpress printing. Now I just have to find the closest senior center ;)

So there you have it my friends. I have completed 4 items off my list. Sure its June and I have 26 more items left, but slow and steady wins the race. I think I'll have 3 more items completed by next week.

May 11, 2011

Vegas Fashion...

As most of us girls know, things you wear in Vegas you probably won't ever wear again in real life.  With that being said I think we looked fairly classy for being in the Sin City.  My quote when shopping for this trip was "Yeah wear whatever...its Vegas," only to be scolded (and I mean that in a very loose term), by Mike saying, "there are still rules in Vegas!!" Gotta love the husband! Well us girls never pulled a "Britney Spears" and with enough tape our girls never made a surprise appearance. So all in all it was a great fashion weekend of things that we may never wear again...
I am not one hundred percent sure where Sam got her dress (but I wanna say Macy's in the prom section, I forgot to mention that they best time to shop for Vegas dresses is during prom season...go figure!) And her shoes are from

My little (and obviously using that word generously, probably tiny would be better) black dress is from a store in the Pleasanton Mall ($23.00... cause it was damaged!!! YAY!!) And to be honest this was one of the more conservative choices in that
And here is Tori in her amazing blue dress... I am not sure wear she got this though. All I know that this dress was picked out 1 day before we left. I also know that it was between this dress and a dress that had zebra print and feathers on it (Let's just say I think we all think she made a good choice here). Her shoes are Jessica Simpson slingbacks from my closet (Yes, people do occasionally borrow from me).

May 9, 2011

What Happens in Vegas...

ends up on my blog. (should I say our blog even though Kimmy never posts...hmmmm). Anyways we went to Vegas this past weekend because Mike had a coaches clinic.  Maybe I should rephrase that, Mike went to Vegas because he had a coaches clinic and everyone else tagged along ;0).  The weekend was a total blast!! Of course I can't reveal everything that happened because I love my friends way too much to embarrass them like that (or myself).  But lets see if I can give you a few highlights...

TOP 10 EVENTS/ QUOTES from this past weekend...

10. Wooty (Sam you don't spell it with an "i"), Half-rican, Canadian, and Bubbles (our name tags on our club crawl the last night we were there... guess who is who)

9. Th Blue Smurf Martini... the greatest drink ever!! Doesn't even taste like alcohol (always a good thing).

8. Tori's Birthday being celebrated at Hard Rock Cafe... with a very specific shot.

7. Everyone winning some sort of money gambling by the end of the trip.

6. Sam going to the bathroom at a club with the stall door wide open thinking that her stall was the only stall in there without a door. (It had a

5. Tori cleaning gum off her "Biggest Fan's" T- shirt at 3 am on the strip for an hour.

4. Tweedy and Sam's sunburn (inner thigh and armpits... really ladies???)

3.  A note written by someone in their sleep (not that hard to guess who) saying " I finished Tweedy's Vegas Drink."

2. Jon tanning by the pool with socks and a t-shirt wrapped around his head like a durag, then getting in the pool saying "I am just like Michael Phelps, this is my natural habitat."

1. Tweedy falling down the stairs at the MGM Grand... pretty much the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life!!

We had a great time and created some great memories... we definitely missed a few people though!! So we will just have to do this again (Maybe next Mother's Just kidding Deb.)

Yes we clean up nice... but take a look at the shoes.  We had heels (of course) but as we learned the hard way the first night, we could not walk everywhere we wanted to go in them.  So we purchased Dr. Scholl's Fast Flats... the greatest fifteen dollars we have ever spent!!
Jon in his "natural habitat"!!! Notice the girls expression behind

I got my backless shirt!!! As Kimmy pointed out its circa 1998 (I am all about the classics). And of course the thug life part of our little group... lol.  They look so hard don't they?

Had to have our standard bathroom photo... and this one had doors on the stalls ;0)

Fun by the pool...just ignore my antenna hair

And of course the photo of our entire group... which we took four of because Mike kept having his eyes closed... we finally gave up as you can see.

May 4, 2011

Sometime you have to borrow...

to make outfits work.  I have learned many things on my road through fashion rehab, but probably the most important thing is to borrow from your friends.  In this out fit I wish I could tell you I am wearing something that I own (okay besides bra and underwear), but sadly I am not.  I think rule number one of having girlfriends is have friends all around your relative size and you will never run out of clothes to wear ;0).  Thanks to Tweedy I am wearing a beautiful dress and shoes (which as high as they are, were pretty comfortable).  And Kimmy lent me the tights and jacket... granted I haven't given her the tights back, but I will buy her new ones.  I would show you more pictures of this outfit, but Tori has them all and refuses to share.  I swear between Kimmy and Tori we never see any