January 7, 2011

My 30 Before Thirty List

Update: I had to change one of my 30 because #10 the exhibit at the DeYoung sold out before Matt and I could see it. I changed it to taking an art class which coincides with me signing up for a Calligraphy class that I'm taking in March.

As anyone will tell ya (especially Ashley) I am turning the big 3-0 this year. Wow, it's semi-depressing to write that out. Anywho, I wanted to do a "30 before thirty" list to accomplish some things before I hit that milestone. I took inspiration from people like Gabby who are doing the 101 in 1001 list but frankly I had trouble thinking of 30 things so there was no way I could come up with 101 items. Now these aren't bucket list items like skydiving or sailing around the world. These are just some simple goals. I decided to put them up here on the old blog so I can have some accountability and can share my progress. So without further ado here is my list:

30 Before Thirty List

  1. Write each of the bunnies (my east coast ladies) a letter once a month.
  2. Cook 2-3 recipes a month from the Pioneer Woman Cookbook.
  3. Organize the hall closet.
  4. Organize my home office desk.
  5. Decorate my home office walls.
  6. Put pictures in my jewelry box frames.
  7. Hang up all our artwork.
  8. Decorate/organize our floating shelves in the living room.
  9. Start a gratitude journal and write down 5 things I'm grateful for every night.
  10. See the second half of the Impressionist exhibit at the DeYoung Museum. Take an art or crafting class.
  11. Find a neutral eyeshadow for everyday wear.
  12. Save money towards my Nikon D3000 DSLR Camera.
  13. Utilize all the frames I have at home before buying others.
  14. Buy fresh flowers at least once a month.
  15. Start a Blurb album of wedding photos.
  16. Make an album of all my past stationery projects
  17. Call my dad (on his cell phone so he feels special) twice a month.
  18. Find a lipstick/lipgloss color I enjoy and wear it a couple times a week.
  19. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
  20. Build or buy a bookcase for the living room to store additional books or dvds.
  21. Visit Lily Kate over the summer.
  22. Take my parents to visit Napa.
  23. Make curtains for our bedroom.
  24. Make a pillow for our couch.
  25. Teach Emerson to "drop it" while playing fetch.
  26. Visit SF Moma.
  27. Take pictures at a gathering and actually distribute pics afterward.
  28. Dine at 2 new restaurants in SF.
  29. See a performance of the SF Ballet.
  30. Make a handmade gift for Matty's 30th Birthday.
I hope to take pictures of each of these goals as I complete them. And God willing put them on the blog too. The first one off the list will be #10 because I am going to the DeYoung on Sunday to see the exhibit. Wish me luck!