June 29, 2013

Noni and Grandpa Come to Visit...

We had our first official visitors from the bay area today!!! We are ever so slowly getting settled in our new place, but we can officially start having visitors comfortably without them eating and sitting on boxes. Noni and Grandpa decided to visit on one of the hottest days in history of man kind!! However, we did spend a majority of our time outside...really trying to get rid of Jacobs farmer's tan. We went to the park, played in the pool, and had a nice BBQ dinner.  Jacob was especially excited to see Noni and Grandpa because he is now saying both of their names!! Shaniko also came to visit, which was a pleasant surprise for our kitchen floor... it hasn't been so clean since we moved in!!

Jacob was a little hesitant playing in the pool at first, but then once he got his diaper and shirt off he was totally ready!! He splashed around for a long time!! We actually went through about 3 extra diapers because every time we got him dry with a clean one on, he went right back in.  I'm so glad he is starting to love water more. Swim lessons here we come!!

 Definitely the cutest moment of the day. Shaniko was all tuckered out from the heat, so Jacob decided he should lay next to him for awhile. At first he was just laying then he put his hand on Shaniko...cutest moment ever!! Nothing beats a boy and his dog.

It was a great day with Noni and Grandpa... and we also can't forsget to thank grandpa for hanging our TV, fixing our fans/lights, and helping Mike with the storage containers. We love you guys!!! Hope you come up again soon!

June 25, 2013

Our First House Project

One of the reasons we love this house so much is the amazing playroom!! It's a massive room that is allowing us to make the Dream Playroom for Jacob. Our first project was a chalkboard table. Kim and I found a table at Saint Vincent De'Paul in Oakland. It didn't quite fit in the back of the Vue and required me to use my McGiver skills. Many feet of rope and a couple questionable bumps later, we made it back home safely to Pleasanton. And then finally to Rocklin. The table was just a plain white table that was a "loved on," so we decided to paint it and return it to its former glory.  It turned out amazing!!

We painted each bench a different color; green, yellow, and blue. Then we painted the top of the table in the chalkboard paint. My dad and Jacob had a lot of fun with it!!

June 24, 2013

We're BACK!!!

It only took one year and many "fans" asking for our return to the blog world, for me to actually write a new one. What can I say... the last 13 months months have been insane!!! Why didn't anyone warn me that having a child would completely change my life?!?!? LOL Some big things have happened in the last 13 months, let me catch you up on the highlights... Jacob sat up, Jacob crawled, Jacob tried food for the first time, Jacob stood by himself, Jacob walked, Jacob's first word was "ball," Jacob started running, Jacob goes to Gymboree, Jacob learns to say "Dadda, Grandpa, Noni, Kiki, and Matt Matt" but obviously not mommy, and finally Jacob learned how to give kisses. Now that you are caught up on my life for the last year, aren't you semi glad I didn't make ALL those posts. Here are some pictures to catch you up on how Jacob has changed over the year...

 The pumpkin picture is my ALL time favorite picture ever!!

Now that you are all caught up on who has been taking up most of our time... here are some updates on Mike and I's life.  We've lived in three different places, finally ending up moving to Rocklin. Yup, we are no longer in the bay area! As shocking as it is to be away from our family and friends (besides Gabby & Jason) and living on the "sun," we are truly enjoying being a family again. Having the capability to see Mike and Jacob everyday is priceless. Mike is going to to be starting a new job in the fall at a private school, teaching K-8!! I would love to be a fly on the wall watching him teach kindergartners!! Jacob is adjusting to the new house fairly well, he sleeps until nine now, so that is awesome. But I know he misses his family. He constantly talks about Kiki (Kim), Matt Matt, and baby (Everett). My next post will show you our house (its pretty amazing). So lots of changes have happened and lots of changes will come this next year too!!