January 27, 2014

A Boy and his Bear

I wanted to title this "A Boy and his Boobie," but I was afraid too many of you wouldn't open the email thinking I was hacked again! The reason to call it the latter, is because since Jacob was super little and learning to talk, he has called Pooh Bear, Boobie. I have always found it hilarious when he would walk around saying "Love boobie!" Although Jacob enunciates great for a toddler, he continues to call Pooh Bear, boobie. Boobie has become a staple on our car rides, dinner table, and just everyday life. However, the last few days he has joined us EVERYWHERE!!! Today he came to the park, gymnastics, and then had a lovely lunch with us. Apparently Boobie is very fond of cheese and blueberries.

 Jacob is quite concerned with Boobie (Hence, him putting the helmet on Boobie). The routine goes something like this...

Boobie falls
Jacob: "Oh Boobie! Boobie okay?"
Picks Boobie up
Jacob: "Boobie bonky head!!" 
Jacob pets Boobie
Jacob: "Jocob kiss Boobie?"
Jacob give Boobie a kiss

He also has had a fascination with changing diapers lately...Boobie constantly poops! LOL (I think Jacob may be ready for potty training).  Jacob will be holding Boobie and then flip him, so butt side is near his face and says "Awe Boobie pooped!" And this is what follows...

And the final product looks like this...
I think some leaking might happen.

After Boobie has had his diaper changed, he usually takes him for a walk...

I just love how his imagination has started to reveal itself!! This little man astounds me everyday!!

January 24, 2014


A few weeks ago Mike went to San Francisco for the day to get his tattoos done. He always goes to this one guy in particular because he is really good at black and gray. He figured out this time that the guy has only been tattooing for 3 years!! It's amazing how some people just naturally have a gift!! Anyways, the tattoos that Mike got were Brayden's feet with name and birth date, and then a King of Swords tarot card. Many people have asked about the meaning of the tarot card and why Mike would get that...so this blog is to explain the meaning!!

First, here are Brayden's feet. We make kids with big feet, so if we have four then Mike may have to get creative on the location!! LOL
Here is the King of Swords... (It's pretty raw in this photo, and I don't think it does it justice. This tattoo looks amazing!)
The King of Swords sits upon his throne of command, holding a large upward-pointing, double-edged sword in his right hand, while his left hand rests gently upon his lap. On his left Saturn finger is a ring, symbolic of power and taking his responsibilities seriously. The King wears a blue tunic, symbolic of a desire for spiritual understanding, and a purple cape, symbolic of compassion combined with intellect. The back of his throne is decorated with butterflies (transformation), crescent moons and an angel just near his left ear, positioned as if to give him subtle guidance. The sky is relatively clear with a few clouds, representing general mental clarity. The trees in the background appear motionless and reflect the stern judgement of the King. The King of Swords is a symbol of intellectual power and authority, and has the courage and intellect to accomplish all that he desires.

When Mike first told me he wanted a tarot card, my first thought was "Wow, I really have corrupted this man with my hippie ways!" Then he went on to explain to me what it meant, and I could not agree more that it really does represent Mike as a person. Anyways, I just love both these tattoos!!

January 23, 2014

Dreaded 2 month Shots (Part II)

Along with Brayden's doctors appointment, he had to get 3 different shots and 1 oral vaccination. I knew from the last time with Jacob, that these shots were nothing to joke about. Brayden did very well getting the shots, he cried until I fed him. I actually think Jacob was more traumatized than Brayden; he kept saying "Brayden okay?" "Brayden hungry?" After we got home, all Brayden wanted to do was eat and sleep. He did give me a few smiles here and there, but I had to work hard for them. I hate how these shots just take it out of these little ones...I wish there was another way to make them immune to such horrible things. I guess in the scheme of things, a day or two of not feeling well sure beats what they are protected against!

After I took this picture he woke up crying (I may have let the swing stop to get the photo...bad move!)

Anyone who has held Brayden knows he is not feeling well in this photo...he hardly ever puts his head down on my shoulder. If he's being held like this, he usually has his head up and he is trying to stand.

January 22, 2014

2 months

Today is Brayden's 2 month birthday!! I cannot believe how fast the time is going!!! I love seeing him grow up in front of my eyes, but I know with everyday he gets a little bit older, I get closer to going back to work. At two months he is starting to show his personality... not surprisingly he is as stubborn as his brother. I'm blaming that trait on Mike! Other than his stubbornness, he is a pretty easy baby and he is "growing perfectly" said the Doctor today.  Here is what he accomplished this month...

        • We can make him smile!!! He loves high pitched voices and music!
        • He is trying to roll from back to belly (He gets to his side very easily)
        • He loves to sit and stand
        • He "eats" dinner with us in his bumbo
        • He is taking the bottle like a champ now!
        • Working on taking naps in his crib
        • LOVES being swaddled
        • Sleeps about five hours in a row at night (wakes up 1-2 times)
        • Has a bedtime routine!!! (YAY!!)

Here is some of my photos from the last month. I just love his smile!! Oh yeah!! His dimple made an appearance this month too!! So now both my boys have dimples on the same side!!

Here are both the boys stats from the doctor today...

Brayden: Weight: 12 lbs 8 oz (56th percentile) and Height: 24 1/2 inches (97th percentile)
Jacob (2 years): Weight: 28 lbs 6 oz (75th percentile) and Height: 35 inches (76th percentile)

Jacob has stayed pretty consistent with his weight and height since he started walking, but he is still a big boy!! As for Brayden, he is majorly tall!! Hopefully that will continue into teenage years!!! Basketball here we come!!

January 17, 2014

A Day in the Life

People constantly say, "Appreciate every moment because they grow up so fast!" I do understand this statement, especially since I am having a hard time believing Jacob is turning 2 in a month!! However, there are moments that I can honestly say that I don't necessarily appreciate! Being a mother is a funny balance between loving some moments and trying to just survive the next! Between waking up 2-3 times a night to feed and change a diaper or rock your sick toddler to sleep, motherhood can be down right exhausting. What makes everything worth it is the "mother moments"; the moments when your children do something that no matter how frustrated or tired you are, it makes everything absolutely worth it. As I was rocking Jacob last night, going on 1.5 hours of sitting in the glider, I was so tired, on the edge of tears, wishing I was in bed, then the mother moment hit. With his head on my shoulder he started singing rock-a-bye baby.  We have been reading a nursery rhyme book for a couple weeks, but he had never shown that he really knew any of them. It's amazing how these mother moments happen at the time you need them the most.  These mother moments cannot be captured on camera, which is fine because they are the personal moments that I will always remember.  With that being said, I have always blogged about the special events that are happening in our household, but I do not want to dismiss the everyday happenings either. When I look back on raising these boys, I may not remember Incredible Johns, Fairy Tale Land, or the Children's Museum, but I will remember our dinners, the park, Saturday morning breakfast, or the way the Jacob plays with Brayden on the floor. These aren't the most exciting pictures to look at, but they are the most fun for me!!

My mother moment with Jacob could not be caught on camera, but my mother moment with Brayden was. It happened the other night. After feeding him, he was particularly awake and interactive. I started talking to him and tickling his belly when he started silent laughing...

Being a mother is exhausting, but these mother moments make absolutely every second worth it!

January 13, 2014

Strong Genes

I know I have talked about it before on here, but with the arrival of Brayden, I just can't seem to get over the excitement of looking through photos to see who he looks like. In the past I blogged about who Jacob looked like as a baby, and I think it was all decided that it was me!! (YAY!!) Oh how times have changed though...  Here is a picture of Mike and Jacob almost exactly the same age, to the day!! It's crazy how much they look alike. And Teddy Rukspin hardly aged a bit!! (Uses sunscreen now, apparently).

 Here is the comparision photo of Brayden, Jacob, and I. I think they both look like me, but I guess it won't be any surprise who Brayden will look like when he is older.It's not a bad thing at all that they look like their dada...obviously I think he is quite handsome!!

January 11, 2014

"Go Niners!!"

In anticipation of the big game this weekend, we have Jacob and Brayden all prepared. Jacob has been practicing saying "Go Niners!!" His first love/obsession is definitely basketball, but his favorite team is the 49ers. It doesn't matter what or who he is watching on TV; he is always yelling "Go Niners!" Brayden obviously doesn't say anything now, but he definitely watched the game last weekend.  He was even really upset when we were losing!! At halftime last week, I decided to put his onesie on and apparently it was good luck! So, this weekend he will be wearing it again.

 Here is Jacob in his touchdown stance and Gore jersey. Hopefully these two little boys and their sweet outfits will get us a win tomorrow!! GO NINERS!!

January 8, 2014


As a mother, I sometimes feel like I am the paparazzi when it comes to my children. I find it actually quite hilarious that at the ripe old age of 18 months, Jacob started saying "cheese" when I held up a camera! Gabby and I get especially crazy with new activities ( I would say Gabby more than I...lol).  However, all the photos that we have taken have started to reveal a trend. Between the two blogs, I kept noticing photos that included Jacob in the foreground "mean mugging" (I will call it that) and Memo in the back ground "posing."  I couldn't help but think of People Magazine. So, here is my version of People Magazine, lets call it Tikes Magazine...

Here the couple is seen trying to meet in secret at the rail road tracks... once photographers were spotted, they tried to leave the scene.

 Here, the couple was spotted in downtown Roseville in Jacob's flashy 2008 ladybug convertible. 

With rumors of the couple's relationship on the rocks, Jacob lashes out at the photographers. Memo tries to put on a brave face for the cameras, but to no avail.

 In Jacob's blue 2011 Push Me Trike, Memo shows that the two are still very close. Maybe this relationship does have enough to survive toddler hood!

Jacob still not comfortable with all the fame, continues to stay protective of Memo in font of photographers, whereas Memo is always willing to oblige and strikes a great smile for her adoring fans.

With a rare glimpse into the couples personal life in the trampoline, Jacob remains leery, while Memo strike a pose.

Feeling relaxed at the local Roseville library yoga studio. Jacob provides the cameras with a rare smile, while Memo focus on her workout.

January 6, 2014

Rolling with my two boys...

I feel like there are so many songs I can choose as a title for this post... "They see me Rollin', they haten," "Keep Rollin, Rollin, Rollin, Rollin," "Rolling with the hommies." Well okay maybe three song options for titles...seeing as not everyone is a Limp Bizkit fan anymore, or a Clueless fan, or rap fans...I'll just stick to my title by the suburb mother of two. There has been a lot of movement in our house lately!! Jacob got a bike from Nonni and Grandpa Dayton for Christmas which he is obsessed with!! And Brayden, at 5 weeks 4 days, rolled over from tummy to back!!!

Jacob gets very serious on his bike.  Now I don't want these photos to mislead you... he is not pedaling at all, he just pushes off the ground and he absolutely hates wearing his helmet!! However, he just looks too cute in it!  This kid may take after his Uncle Matt Matt with the bike; he doesn't allow us to go anywhere without it!

Last week we started tummy time with Brayden and by day three of tummy time he rolled over!! We weren't sure if it was a one time thing, but it turns out it wasn't. Apparently, he is so unenthusiastic about tummy time, he prefers to just roll onto his back whenever we start. I know that's the point of tummy time, but still!! Jacob didn't roll over for forever, it seemed like, so I was half expecting it to be the same with Brayden.  I guess one motivating factor I didn't calculate in, was his 22 month old brother rolling on the ground trying to teach him...I think I'm in trouble!!!

The video isn't the greatest, but at least I caught his first roll on camera!

January 5, 2014

Newborn Photo Shoot

Whenever we get professional photos done, I love how great they look and DON'T reflect the madness behind the scenes. Like all these photos, for example, look great!! But what you can't see is Jacob in the background trying to steal the basketball and dump truck (notice no pictures of dump trucks...yeah there's a reason). You can't see the breast feeding sessions it took to get these done, or eating breakfast at the chalkboard table, or the 49er game in the background! I'm just glad that I'm not the one taking the pictures!
I feel like we get a lot of photo shoots done, but I guess that's what happens when high school friends start up their own business!! They do an amazing job and they did not disappoint with Brayden's newborn photos...

I have so many photos (over 500!!)...I decided to show "some" restraint when sharing...

This last picture is truly my favorite picture I have of Brayden...

It could not be cuter!!!

January 4, 2014

Santa Came to Visit!!!

Christmas this year was extra special in so many ways... not only did we have our new baby to celebrate, but we had a toddler that could actually appreciate the "magic" of Christmas. I always thought Christmas as a child was an amazing time of year, but I have come to realize (in my wisdom, lol) that Christmas as a mother is the BEST thing ever!! Seeing the excitement on Jacob's face about everything from lights to presents to Canta (Santa) was absolutely priceless. Jacob's relationship with Santa started off extremely rocky; screaming and crying whenever he saw him in the same room and sometimes on TV. After many books and statements of "Santa is a cool guy!" he started to be less afraid of the jolly old elf. Granted we never got him to sit on Santa's lap (I think we need more than a few weeks of "Santa's a cool guy" to get that accomplished). On Christmas Eve it all finally came together and we got the cutest video of Jacob to date... (You need sound to fully appreciate it)

This holiday was really nice because we went back to Pleasanton for the entire week! We got to see all our families and everyone got to meet Brayden.  Three people were especially missed however, Matt Matt, KiKi, and Everett were in Alabama, so we didn't get to see them. Jacob of course got so many presents... he started shaking the boxes like a true kid!! He also had a great time opening Brayden's gifts too! Thank you to everyone who got them something by the way! We had an amazing time with friends and family...

I love this of Tutu and Brayden!!

Here he is discovering Lego's as a present for the first time... needless to say, it was at this point in the unwrapping he started to shake every box.

January 3, 2014

One Month!!

Technically it has been six weeks to the day that Brayden has joined this family, but I figure I am still within two weeks of posting this, so not too bad! This past "month" has flown by!! I thought being a mother of one made things go by quickly, but I guess I was wrong! I still feel like Brayden and I are still getting to know each other a bit. However, I love this little man with all my heart!! He astounds me everyday! The past six weeks he has accomplished a lot...
            • He is smiling a lot more (I think on purpose)
            • He is holding his head up like a champ
            • He eats a ton!!! (he has gained 3 lbs 10 ounces since his birth)
            • He's getting better at sleeping (longest stretch was 5 1/2 hours)
            • He is learning to nap while not being held
            • He is taking a bottle from Dada
            • He enjoys being swaddled
            • He grunts literally ALL the time!!! Loudest sleeper and eater ever!!
            • He ROLLED OVER!!! (This will be another post!)
I have taken too many pictures to count, so I'll just share a few...

 We are all still in the adjustment phase, but I have to hand it to both my kids...they can adapt!! Jacob has done great and is really taking to this older brother roll.  And Brayden seems to thoroughly enjoy Jacob; he smiles the most when Jacob is on the floor with him doing tummy time. It's those moments that truly make you appreciate being a mother.