November 2, 2014

A day with Tutu and Grandma Jen

The other weekend we were so lucky to have Grandma Jenn and Tutu come visit us!!! It cracks me up because Tutu and Jacob are 88 years apart, but Tutu is one of Jacob's best playmates!!! He is constantly talking about her and the things she likes. "Tutu likes pancakes!" "Tutu likes baths!" "Tutu likes Santa Clause!" I'm not sure if Tutu likes all those things, but Jacob is pretty convinced that she does! Needless to say, Jacob was very excited to have Tutu over to play. There was a tea party, a picnic lunch, and painting of pumpkins!!! Brayden did join the tea party also, however his etiquette was much to be desired!

I think one of my favorite activities of Halloween is painting pumpkins.  It makes for such a a great decoration and easy activity for Jacob! This activity was totally Tutu's activity because she is the fabulous artist of the family. I love the photo on the left because they both have the same look on their face... the look of concentration!!! Maybe Jacob will get Tutu's talents instead of his mothers!!

Here is the final products...guess who's who's LOL! Tutu's pumpkin did get carved yesterday morning, but Jacob again said, "Tutu wants her pumpkin carved like this!" LOL this kid!!