April 30, 2014

5 Months

Yet another month has come and gone!! This past month he has really moved from the newborn stage. He isn't just satisfied sitting being held or fed anymore... he is completely aware of his surroundings and constantly wants to move or look.  The other great thing about him moving beyond the newborn stage, is that he and Jacob are actually interacting a lot more!! In fact, Brayden laughs his hardest when Jacob is the one entertaining him. The phrase "Jacob go make Brayden laugh!" never gets old!! He has really accomplished a lot this month...

        • He had his first food! Rice cereal!! He seems to really like it!!
        • He found his toes!! And boy does he love them!!! He may be the soccer player out of our two boys.
        • He can be carried on my hip. Now, this may not seem like a huge accomplishment, but those who tote babies around know what I'm talking about! My arms get a little break!! LOL
        • He is waking up 1-2 times a night (minus one night that was every hour, yikes!!)
        • He's becoming a champion napper at daycare (finally!)
        • He LOVES his big brother!!! I can already see the future in that Brayden will want to do every thing Jacob wants to do! 
        • He is gnawing on anything and everything (watch your fingers people!!)

I have taken a lot of photos, but I again reduced them to the special few!! LOL

April 29, 2014


A couple of weeks ago was Easter Sunday!! Since we have been traveling so much lately, my suitcase just rotates clothes in it, we decided to enjoy a weekend home as a family of four! It was actually a really calm and nice day!! We spent the morning at the park, dyed eggs, took naps, and then ate a great dinner with Gabby and the girls! I will post about dying eggs separately because Jacob just had too much fun and I took too many pictures!! LOL Anyways, Melo and Jacob's favorite thing was the Easter egg hunt!!  They had so much fun looking for all the eggs and not one fight happened either!! Jacob and Melo loved eating everything inside the eggs... Jacob kept saying "More Monies?" LOL

As for the little ones... they actually had a really good day too!! They hung out and took the most hilarious pictures together!!

Earlier in the day, Mike took Melo and Jacob for a bike ride... they totally loved it!!

Our dinner was really good, especially since we were away from everybody that normally cooks for this holiday. Gabby made an amazing ham! 
Here's our little hams at the dinner table...
Mike loves this picture of Tessa, so I had to post it. As you can see by the amount of rolls on the table, we did not go hungry!

Although we missed our families, we did have a really wonderful Easter!

April 17, 2014

Jacob's Birthday Party

I can't believe it has almost been two months since Jacob's 2nd birthday party.  I have been so busy that I didn't even realize I didn't blog about this wonderful event until today!! Anyways, since almost everyone who reads this blog was at that party, I just want to start off saying thank you to everyone who came and a special thanks to everyone who helped! It really would not have been done without you!! Before the party, Jacob's favorite show was Jake and The Never Land Pirates.  I'm glad I did this party when I did because his interests have definitely changed. He is now all about Thomas and Bubble Guppies, which are both good shows. However, Pirates will always have a special place in my heart because it was the very first show he ever showed remote interest in.  Pirates made for a fun party theme with the decorations... 

The decorations could not have been better!!! Thanks to Tori, my mom, Debbi, Dayton, and my dad!! The house looked awesome!!! The two above pictures were my favorite!! And of course the cake tasted as good as it looked!! Tori made treasure chest party favors filled with gold coins. She made like 50 of them!! I still have some and have been eating gold coins for almost two months straight! So, thank you Tor!! We had great food, thanks to Chris and Sue!! It really could not have been a better BBQ, especially for a March party!! 

The first part of the party, the kids spent some time at our local gymnastics place just running around and making crafts. The kids had a blast!!! Jacob got so worn out that he took a two hour nap, after falling asleep on the 5 minute car ride home. 

Although I said no gifts, of course people got him gifts.  Jacob loved opening every single one of them!! He also became good friends with Logan during that time. I really think Logan is more responsible as an 8 year old than I will ever be in my life!! Jacob LOVED his new friend!!!

I love this picture of him! He could not be happier to have his cupcake!! I think we had a banana cupcake everyday for a week after this party!! He is a very special 2 year old, who astounds me every day.  I could not be more proud of him!

April 14, 2014

First Food!!!

I feel like today was such a momentous day for Mr. Brayden.  He had his first real food, well if you can call rice cereal real food.  We were somewhat motivated to do this in hopes that it would reduce his spitting up!! I feel like all I do is wash burp cloths!!  Besides our selfish reason for starting "solids" so soon, he has had a bad case of food envy lately.  He is constantly watching us eat and drooling. 
He seemed to really enjoy himself!! He ate the entire bowl, which kind of surprised me.  And he didn't gag once!! I remember with Jacob, every time we gave him a new food he would gag, even if he ended up loving it...LOL.  However, Brayden was the exact opposite, he took to the cereal right away.  Although he would only take his fingers out of his mouth long enough to put a spoonful in, then he kept sucking on his fingers. I think it helped him eat every last drop!
Jacob was so cute when it came to feeding Brayden. He kept leaning over and said "Brayden want more?" As he was signing more!! I swear this kid is meant to be a father!!! LOL He just loves his little brother...and of course Brayden adores Jacob!

April 2, 2014

Family Full of Boys

This past weekend was Papa's 89th Birthday!!! He is officially 89 years young!!We decided to make a quick trip to see him and have brunch.  It was of course a great brunch with tons of yummy food... complete with homemade cinnamon rolls!! Which we are still enjoying (Thank you Dayton!!). It was so great to get this picture of Papa and all his boys!! It's crazy to look at this photo and see how things have changed just since Papa's 86th birthday!! Our family has grown so much and I could not be happier! If Kim or I ever get a girl, then they are going to have to be one tough cookie to keep up with this lot!