June 13, 2011

Been a Slacker...

Lately I have been such a slacker on updating this blog and I apologize for that.  But things have been a little busy.  I have been officially moved to nights at my work... but don't you worry its just for another month and then I am back to days!! Whoo hoo!! (new schedule is updated at bottom of page...remember nights people!! So when you call during the day remember nights people!! ;0)I am trying to think of what else has been happening, but I can't, so maybe I don't have any good excuses for not updating.  Well in that case I will make it up to you with both a video and an awesome outfit picture!! Yeah you feel special now ;0)


This video is gonna seem really random, but it was just an ah-ha moment I had and wanted to share with people that I care about who also do some bad things that they shouldn't... don't worry I won't mention names but you know who you are after you see this video!!
This is my fashion photo of the weekend from Sam's graduation party (which I will blog about tomorrow). The top is thrifted from this amazing store in downtown Livermore.  The skirt is from Banana Republic, tights and belt are from Sam's closet. And the shoes, which you can't see too well, are from Payless. The garden looks really good too... which is Deb and Dayton's backyard.