August 30, 2015


These two are just so much fun!!! I really have no other way to explain it, because these two are just so goofy with each other.  Granted, they have their fights and their whiny moments, but when these two play together and get along, everything just feels perfect.  As you can tell from this photo, Brayden seriously loves and admires his big brother.  He wants to do everything Jacob does, which sometimes creates some problems. Brayden doesn't communicate that great yet, so he resorts to screaming and crying when he is frustrated. So, he sometimes turns into a threenager, stuck in a 21 month old body, who can't talk. So, we have our moments! LOL

However the conversations between these two, are pretty much the most hilarious things ever!!! Also, just Jacob being 3 and having the vocabulary of a 7 year old makes for some amazing conversations...

Bath Time Conversation:

Jacob: "Brayden sit down! I don't want any poop to pop into my face!!" (For the record, Brayden as never pooped in the tub before, just Jacob has LOL)

 Me getting dressed:

Jacob: "I want to have boobies so I can wear a bra!"

Prediction on when baby Jordan will arrive:

Debbi: "Jacob when is baby Jordan going to come?"
Jacob: "hmmm 3 days"
Debbi: "3 days? Okay, morning, afternoon, or night?"
Jacob: "hmmm morning."

Coming in from a fishing trip:

Jacob singing the following song: "Did I catch a bobber? Yes I did!, Did I catch seaweed? Yes I did! Did I catch a fish? No I didn't!" (One of the best made up songs ever!)

Reading him a book while being 9 months pregnant:

Me: "Are elephants small? No! Elephants are HUGE!"
Jacob: giggling
Me: "Jacob what's so funny?"
Jacob: "You're huge like an elephant mommy!!"

Seeing the Giraffes at the zoo:

Jacob: "Daddy, what do giraffes eat?"
Mike: "Plants."
Jacob: "Oh so they are herbivores?" (what kid knows that word?!?!?!)

Talking with Dayton:

Jacob: "Grandpa, what does the word identical (he mumbled it) mean?
Grandpa: "What word?
Jacob: "Identical" (Again mumbled)
Grandpa: "Where did you hear this word?"
Jacob: "I heard it on Sesame Street."
Grandpa: "Okay say it slower."
Jacob: "" (saying it super slow)


These conversations have been so much fun!! I can't wait for Brayden to talk more and for baby Jordan to get here to see them both interact with him!! Having these brothers is the best hing that could have happened to our family. And I know Jordan will make a great addition!!