August 26, 2015

Easter 2015!!!

Yup, it's almost September and here I am finally blogging about Easter! LOL  This year was a little more hectic than usual with Easter because we got home from Disneyland the day before. And when I say day before, I mean 10 pm the night before. But what was awesome was that the Easter bunny totally came and visited that night, so us parents could get some sleep!  It also rained (shocking, I know!), but we were all pretty happy about that because we needed the water, and Jacob really wanted to wear his new Thomas rain jacket that he has not gotten to wear much!  My dad came up to visit, which of course the boys loved!! So we just did dome egg dying and a hunt.  Nothing too crazy, but just enough so it felt like Easter.

 Jacob got really pretty good at dying eggs this year! He was very focused and intent on using a spoon, which made me slightly nervous, but he honestly did great!  He loved saying the colors in both English and Spanish!
Brayden wanted to use a spoon also because his brother wanted to use one.  That was very hard as a mother to watch a 15 month old use a spoon with food coloring and eggs.  Eventually he decided himself that it was not the easiest route, so he just used his hands.  Granted I think his hands were stained for about 2 days, but nothing else was!

The hunt went really well too! Jacob actually did a pretty good job sharing with Brayden and allowing him to find some eggs. They were both so excited when they found one, but then they would quickly get over it and try and find another... in true Wood competitive spirit!

This is just one of my all time favorite pictures of Brayden... he looks so sweet and innocent! Not that he isn't sweet and innocent, he just isn't ALL the time lol!

The Easter bunny got the kids some pretty cool stuff this year too!! They got nets, some toy wooden trains, some plastic food, and car/train shooters! The boys were so so excited, as you can see in this video...

1 comment:

  1. What?! When did all of this blogging happen?? I am impressed and happy!!
